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63453 items [showing 63,181 - 63,200]


Open Letter to President Johnson on Vietnam, An
End Your Silence
To the Congress: Stop the Anti-Ballistic Missile System
New York spends more on war than on New York
Republicans Support President Eisenhower's World Peace Program. Vote for Richard S. Schweiker for Vigorous, Enthusiastic Representation in Congress.
Our Hated Draft
Johnson Must Go!
How to get out of the thankless, costly, risky job of "Policeman for the World"
Thank You, New York.  But We Can't Relax Now - Not While the Killing Goes on in Vietnam
Open Letter to the President of the United States, An
16,916 Protestant Clergymen Say - Initiate Negotiations Now!
2500 Ministers, Priests and Rabbis Say: Mr. President: In the Name of God, Stop It!
We have seen the anguish of Vietnam
Where Are We Going?
Week of the ANGRY ARTS Against the War in Vietnam
Are we prepared to live in the same world with China?
Is There Nothing Left But the Killing?
Why I am going to: 1) Wear a black tie; 2) Drive with my lights on in broad daylight; & 3) Keep it up until this war is stopped
They've got an invisible program to end an undeclared war backed by a silent majority.
Moratorium is coming home for Christmas, The
