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220 items [showing 61 - 80]


M. Carey Thomas on May Morning
M. Carey Thomas walking in a circle with several other women
May Day
Jean Scobie Davis scrapbook, 1910-1914
Jane Beardwood photograph album, circa 1912
M. Carey Thomas and Louise Hodges Crenshaw
Little May Day Hoop Rolling
Letter from Helen Calder Robertson to her family, May     20, 1914
May Day Hoop Racing
Chimney sweeps and jacks
Marion Edwards Park, Lewis F. Fisher, Florence L. Basoon and Norman L Bowen
Little May Day 1949 Procession
Katherine McBride with students at May Day, 1966
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her aunt, November 19,     1919
Letter from Marie Litzinger to her father and grandmother, October 9, 1916
Letter from Helen Calder Robertson to her family,     September 29, 1915
Little May Day 1949 Hoop Rolling
May Day Procession
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, November 11,     1916
Mary Worthington diary, 1908-1909
