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320 items [showing 41 - 60]


1867 September 13, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1888 September 06, Philadelphia, to My dearest wife
1835 October 31, Penn College to Mother
1893 September 27, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1872 September 18, to My Dear Mother
1860 April 10, to My dear sisters
1900 November 11, Woodbourne, to Dearest Mother
1834, August 31, London, Dear Franky, Philadelphia
1886 August 7, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1887 July 31, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Newport
1870 August 2, School Lane, to Mamma
1887 September 9, Newport, to Dear Lillie, Woodbourne
1888 August 31, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1893 October 4, Woodbourne, to dear Father
1890 August 20, Awbury, to Dear Lilly
1876 May 14, Awbury, to Brother & Sister
1864 October 9, Awbury, to Father and Mother
1885 September 20, Awbury, to Dear Nephew
1883 September 8, Newport, to My very dear mother
1864 August 25
