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220 items [showing 201 - 220]


M. Carey Thomas and Helen Sturgis
May Day, 1966
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, May 06,     1920
Little May Day 1972
May Day, 1924
Elizabeth Holliday Hitz photograph album, circa 1916
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, May 02,     1920
Elizabeth Yarnall Maguire photograph album, 1908-1913
Little May Day, 1946
May Day, 1900
Little May Day, 1946
Letter from Nathalie Gookin to her mother, April 25,     1920
Images of May Day
May Day Costumes
Images of May Day
Images of May Day
Images of May Day
Images of May Day
Images of May Day
Images of May Day
