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302 items [showing 21 - 40]


1881 August 3, Halls' Cliff House, Newport, to My dear Husband
1829 August 25, Boston, to Father
1840 August 14, Newport, to Alfred Cope, Philadelphia
1819 March 23, Boston, to J & M Brown, Philadelphia
1841 October 3, End of Commercial wharf Boston, to Mother, Philadelphia
1901 January 8, Bournewood, to Family
Letter to Angelina and Sarah Moore Grimke, 1837-08-14
1901 February 20, Awbury, to My dear cousins
1901 February 28, to Family
1901 June 6, to Grandpa
Letter from Mary Elizabeth Garrett to M. Carey Thomas, December 10, 1890
1867 September 26, Awbury, to My dear Frank
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, April 20, 1890
1867 June 8, Newport, to Mother & Sisters
1872 August 6, Fall River, to Mama
1835 September 4, Philadelphia, Dear Franky, Haverford School
1892 August 22, Asticou Me (Harbor Cottages), Dear Cousin Anna
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, May 2, 1903
1863 September 3, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1902 February 24, Boston, to Dearest Mother
