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105 items [showing 21 - 40]


1906 September 24, Jamestown, to My dear Father
1837 May 12, Haverford School, to Henry Cope, Phildelphia, PA
1887 July 24, Awbury, to My dear Rachel
1911 September 12, Awbury, to Dearest Mother
1833 July 9, Woodbourne, to S.
1870, Snow Shoe, to My dear Anna
1880 November 9, Montrose, to Lilly
1894 July 11, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1899 October 16, Awbury, to Well! here we are...
1905 July 15, North-East Harbor, to My dear Chellie
1895 September 01, North East Harbor, to Dear Mother
1868 September 2, Catskill, to Dear Anna
1873 June 10, Overlook, to brother
1897 September 18, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1857 June 17, New York, to Anne
1870 August 18, Snow Shoe, to My dear mother
1896 September 12, The Ruisseaumont, Lake Placid, Essex Co, N.Y., to My Dear Wife
1887 August 24, Philadelphia, to Well my dearest wife
1847 May 6, Wilkes-Barre, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1886 August 15, Awbury, to My dear wife
