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92 items [showing 61 - 80]


Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Ch. Neuhaus : Grande Fabrique de Chocolat
Ch. Neuhaus : Grande Fabrique de Chocolat
Fels & Co.'s Toilet Soaps, Philadelphia
Curtis Davis & Co. Boston, Mass.
Nederlandsche Stoomkoffiebrandery Antwerpen
Jean Stauffer & Cie.
Hires' Rootbeer : An Uninvited Guest
Birthstones : Mack Hurlbut Jeweler and Optician
Amélie Moens : Magazijn Van Lakens
Baby with stomach bloated.
Mealtime for Infants.
Not much left but courage + hope. Holme. / Not much left but courage - hope - and life.
Outdoor playground for Babies.
One of the Favorites at Chalons
Babies at Samoens.
Babies at Chalons.
Chalons - Babies with nurses. / Nurses + babies- Chalons
Chateau Hospital (two nurses with Babies in Basket.
Children's Ward. Brizeaux Hospital. / childrens ward Brizeaux hospital.
