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71 items [showing 21 - 40]


1905 July 15, North-East Harbor, to My dear Chellie
1895 July 16, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1881 July 19, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1880 October 17, Downingtown, to Anna
1895 September 24, Philadelphia, to Dear Wife
1893 September 3, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1891 July 14, Woodbourne, to Dearest Mother
1847 May 6, Wilkes-Barre, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1888 August 27, Woodbourne, to My dear sister
1884 September 16, to My dear Lillie
1888 October 11, Awbury, to My dear Wife
1900 October 30, Awbury, to My dear Chellie
1876 February 23, Siena, to Scrub
1882 August 25, Newport, to My dearest husband, Awbury
1875 September, to R Haines
1886 July 17, Philada, to Lillie
1905 October 13, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1881 July 13, Montrose, to My dear wife
1890 July 20, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Newport
1865 May 18, Newport, to My Dear sister
