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52 items [showing 1 - 20]


1835, August, 1, Philadelphia, Dear Franky, Haverford School
1886 July 20, Newport, Easton's Pt., to My dear Frank
1876 October 10, Steamer Josephine Missouri River near Ft Peck MT, to Esteemed Friend
1873 July 26, London, to brother
1883 July 24, Philadelphia, to daughter
1899 October 22, Awbury, to Mother
1836 January 15, Philadelphia, to Dear Franky, Haverford School
Greeting card with bunnies
Edelman & Harmonson
J & P Coats Best Six-Cord Sewing Thread
J & P Coats Best Six-Cord Sewing Thread
Chocolat, Cacao Soluble, Racahout (Meyers-Courtois)
Mitchell's Elegant Pharmacy
Merchant's Gargling Oil
Mitchell's Elegant Pharmacy
Bonchurch Hotel & Boarding House (H. Ribbands)
James Barnett Lillington : Emporium for London Hats
Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
