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20 items [showing 1 - 20]
1885 August 16, Meadow Farm, to brother
1887 June 22, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1901 March 5, to Mother
1886 July 20, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1900 July 13, Mosgiel, to My dearest Mother
1890 August 20, Awbury, to Dear Lilly
1880 September 6, Awbury, to My dear Lily & Alexis
1901 March 21, to Mother
1899 October 18, Awbury, to My dear wife
1886 July 26, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1885 August 23, Meadow Farm, to brother
1884 August 8, Meadow Farm, to Anna
1883 August 19, Awbury, to daughter
1886 August 11, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1897 July 25, Bliss Cottage, to Dear Sister
1899 September 28, Awbury, to Dearest wife
1902 August 3, Locust Avenue, to sister
1879 August 18, Massey Farm, to Sister
1897 August 15, Bliss Cottage, to Dear Sister
1882 August 4, Newport, to Dear papa, Awbury