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63 items [showing 1 - 20]


M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
1805 August 14th, Weston, to Parents
1839 March 6, to Elizabeth W. Cope, Philadelphia
At a yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the eastern parts of Maryland and Virginia, in the ninth and tenth months, 1794
Letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Rules for teachers, &c : adopted by the Committee who have charge of Friends' Boarding School at West-town
Sarah Jacobs letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
1883 September 30, Germantown, to Carrie
Report of the Westtown Boarding School Committee, at a Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the seventeenth to the twenty-first of the Fourth Month, inclusive, 1837
1805 August 9, Philadelphia, to Francis, Weston
Edith Sharpless letter to Aaron Sharpless
1852 September 13, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Sarah Jacobs letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
1905 August 14, Bridgewater Cottage, to My very dear friends
1910 November 1, Wilmington, Delaware, to Jonathan Evans
1805 October 6, to Henry, Weston
Abigail Sharpless Greaves letter to Edith Sharpless
1869 June 28, First account of the executors of the will of Thomas Evans, deceased,  w/ envelope
Sarah Jacobs letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
