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6 items [showing 1 - 6]
From the Yearly Meeting of Women Friends held in London by adjournments from the 24th of Fifth Month to the 2nd of Sixth Month, inclusive, 1871 :bto the Quarterly and other Meetings of Women Friends in Great Britain
Report of the Westtown Boarding School Committee, at a Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the seventeenth to the twenty-first of the Fourth Month, inclusive, 1837
The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting in London, held by adjournments, from the 19th of the Fifth Month 1777, to the 24th of the same, inclusive : To the quarterly and monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere
An epistle from Philadelphia yearly meeting of the religious Society of Friends, held at 15th and Race streets ... from the 22nd to the 28th day of the third month, inclusive, 1935
An epistle from our Yearly Meeting of Women Friends, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the 17th of the Fourth-month, to the 21st of the same, inclusive, 1826 : to the Quarterly, Monthly, and Preparative Meetings, within its limits
Extract of a letter from several Friends in Philadelphia, to John Fothergill, David Barclay ... [and others] (requesting assistance in a time of scarcity) Philadelphia, 16th, 12 Month 1777