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149 items [showing 41 - 60]


Do you know that BIPOC students are striking? tweet
Can you show your support for the strikers? tweet
Do you know we're striking? tweet
I stand in solidarity with Haverford students on strike tweet
Join us in our strike to #DisruptHC tweet
Do you know we're striking? tweet
When are you going to meet the demands of BIPOC students? tweet
#DisruptHC tweet
#DisruptHC tweet
Day Seven tweet
This is a strike generations in the making tweet
President Raymond's response was not sufficient tweet
Disrupt Haverford tweet
Know their names tweet
Will you #DisruptHaverford with us? tweet
Ain't no power like the power of the people tweet
Haverford students on strike tweet
Save your critique tweet
Day 8 of the HC Strike tweet
9PM TONIGHT (Nov. 5) tweet
