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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
Georg von Peschke exhibit, archived website
Jeannette, Jehanne, Jeanne, Joan, Shepherdess, Soldier, Savior, Saint exhibit, archived website
Mapping new worlds : the cartography of European exploration and colonization 1450–1750, exhibit, archived website
"The very best woman's college there is" : M. Carey Thomas and the making of the Bryn Mawr Campus exhibit, archived website
Darwin's ancestors : tracing the origins of the "Origins of Species" exhibit, archived website
From the factory to the table : advertising cookbooks and the changing face of American domestic cookery 1880-1941 exhibit, archived website
Beyond the text : Illustrations in eighteenth centurt French novels exhibit, archived website
"The best thing in a girl's life" : early women's colleges in fiction and fact exhibit, archived website
Mawrtyrs : Bryn Mawr women in the arts exhibit, archived website
Bryn Mawr plays : dramatic productions at Bryn Mawr College 1885-1920 exhibit, archived website
The invention of antiquity exhibit, archived website
Pointing fingers : women, sin, crime, and guilt exhibit, archived website
Luxuriant nature smiling round exhibit, archived website
Books, printers, and the information revolution in early modern Europe exhibit 1450-1600, archived website
The Sargent portrait : M. Carey Thomas and John Singer Sargent exhibit, archived website
Building muscles while building minds : athletics and the early years of women's education exhibit, archived wesbite
Breaking ground, breaking tradition : Bryn Mawr and the first generation of women archaeologists exhibit, archived website