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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
Deed to Edward Milne
Deeds of Land from William Penn to Nicholas Dupue, for three tracts of land, September 28, 1733
Deeds of Land from William Penn to Nicholas Dupue, for three Islands, September 10, 1733
Deeds, List from Indian, from 1678 to 1754
Deeds, from Susquehanna Indians to William Penn, Exemption, September 13, 1700
Confirmation of Deeds of land to Thomas & John Penn by Indians, August 5, 1737
1862 September 30, Deed for Burial Lot, So. Western Ground
Copy of record of Deed of Land from William Allen to Nicholas Dupue, August 8, 1750
Deeds, List of Indian
Casper Weest deed to Rees Thomas, 1812
Deeds, of Land between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers, to William Penn, September 17, 1713
Deeds of Land from William Penn to Nicholas Dupue, September 10, 1733
Exemplification of Indian Grant of Land in Pennsylvania to the Proprietors, July 1754
1874 August 19, Virginia, [deed]