Truman-Underhill Photograph Collection

The Trumans and Underhills were prominent Philadelphia-area Quaker families with close ties to Swarthmore College and active in social concerns. The collection includes six albums and other miscellaneous photographs and silhouettes.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
840 items [showing 161 - 180]


Dr. Prentis
Aaron M. Powell
Margaret Pryor
Philip Tyson
Henry M. Tollikoffer(?)
Steven Archer
Esther Archer (Tisas?)
John Comly
Samuel & Elizabeth Comfort
Joseph Warner
Nicholas & Margaret Brown
Joseph Foulke
Rachel Craft (Ohio)
Newsom Baker & Wife
Deborah F. Wharton
Israel Drake
Jane Drake
Edward Erver(?)
Jane E. (Jennie?) Capron
George T. Capron
