Swarthmore College Scrapbooks and Albums

This collection contains scrapbooks, autograph books, and albums compiled by Swarthmore College students, 1870-1960. Only a small number of scrapbooks from the original collection have been scanned. For a full listing of other albums available on-site at the Friends Historical Library, please see the online inventory.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
22 items [showing 1 - 20]


Maybell P. Foster, Class of 1878, scrapbook
Chauncey J. Shortlidge, Class of 1896, scrapbook
William Dixon, Class of 1895, scrapbook
Edith Wilson Jackson, Class of 1900, scrapbook (2 of 2)
Hannah S.C. Seaman, autograph book
Clara Piggott Robinson, Class of 1897, scrapbook
Howard Cooper Johnson, Class of 1896, scrapbook (3 of 3)
Nellie Davidson Mearns, Class of 1907, scrapbook
Gertrude Paxson Seibert, Class of 1929, scrapbook
Andrew Eastwick, Class of 1906, scrapbook
Verdenal Hoag Johnson, Class of 1945, scrapbook
Caroline Clothier, Class of 1903, scrapbook
William M. Maule, Class of 1901, scrapbook
Howard Cooper Johnson, Class of 1896, scrapbook (1 of 3)
Anita Hickman Paxson, Class of 1897, scrapbook
Grace Brosius Biddle, Class of 1897, scrapbook
Emily Janney De Armond, Class of 1904, scrapbook
Howard Cooper Johnson, Class of 1896, scrapbook (2 of 3)
Edith Wilson Jackson, Class of 1900, scrapbook (1 of 2)
Elizabeth Atkinson Gardy, Class of 1919, scrapbook
