Stamp, Sticker, Seal, and Envelope Collection

There are more than 1,400 stamps, seals, stickers, and imprinted envelopes in this collection. The majority of these contain images and/or messages that propagate peace and social justice. A smaller portion promote war or recommend neutrality during times of war. Of particular note are rare nineteenth century anti-slavery stickers and the dozens of stamps created from peace posters drawn or painted by high school students, 1939–1940.

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1313 items [showing 1 - 20]


Save China: Save Peace.
All women against war.
Corporacist. anti-racist investigations of the monstrous body and schizophrenic mind of the corporate person.
Corporacist. anti-racist investigations of the monstrous body and schizophrenic mind of the corporate person.
Save Lives - Not Face
End the Missile Race; Let Mankind Live
No Business As Usual! Oct. 13; Moratorium; Peoples Coalition for Peace & Justice, 917 Fifteenth St. N.W., Washington, D.C.; 202-737-8600; Moratorium Project, 156 Fifth Ave., Rm. 527, New York, N.Y.; 212-924-2469
Pentagon Blockade; 22 May 1972
On Strike! Oct. 13; Stop the War; End Racism & Repression; National Student Association...; Peoples Coalition for Peace & Justice...; Moratorium Project...
Build Democracy; Vote;; Friends Committee on National Legislation
McCarthy for President
Wage Peace
Vietnam: Time's Up; March on Washington November 15; New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
Impeachment; Because I Love My Country
Peace Is a Group Effort
I Support Iraq Veterans Against the War;
