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College Women

Facets: diariesForeign study
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College Women was a consortial project of the libraries and archives of the institutions formerly known as the Seven Sisters. The project began in the spring of 2014 with a Foundations Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to support the development of an online portal, which continues to be accessible at https://collegewomen.org. This collection includes diaries and letters of several Bryn Mawr College alumnae/i originating from several personal paper collections held in the Bryn Mawr College Special Collections.

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4 items [showing 1 - 4]
Dorothy Burr Thompson diary, November 16, 1924-July 14, 1925
Dorothy Burr Thompson diary, November 25, 1923-November 15, 1924
Dorothy Burr Thompson diary, July 26-November 24, 1923
Dorothy Burr Thompson diary, April 12, 1922-August 24, 1924