Castle Collection of Natural History Illustrations

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The collection consists of representative images from more than 150 botanical and ornithological books, printed between 1499 and 1920, and including many of the landmark works in each field. The books are from the Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection.

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1110 items [showing 81 - 100]


The Crow with his Voice of Care
Short-eared Owl
Crested Titmouse
Nature Red in Tooth and Claw
The Downy Woodpecker's Home
Globular Nest of the Long-billed Marsh Wren
Perilous Journey
White Stork
Bearded Chelone
Erica grandiflora
Dahlia papurea
Le Paradisier petit Emeraude, jeune mâle
Red Grouse
Cirl Bunting
Palaeornis derbyanus
Cardinal Flower
Title Page
