Button, Pin, and Ribbon Collection

The button, pin and ribbon collection contains over 1,700 items, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, documenting movements for peace and social justice around the world.

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2159 items [showing 41 - 60]


National March for Lesbian and Gay Rights. Oct. 14.
Heritage of Pride, A. Gay/Lesbian. CSLDC '82.
Gay/Lesbian Pride. New York City. June 1988.
Gay/Lesbian Pride. NYC. 1986.
Help Us Save Our Children in Atlanta, Georgia.
I Love You.
I shall continue to be an impossible person so long as those who are now possible remain possible -Michael Bakunin 1814-1876
June 11, '88. Support the United Nations Third Special Session on Disarmament! March for Peace. New York City. San Francisco.
Lesbian & Gay Pride. NYC. June 1987.
Lesbian Switchboard 741-2610, The
Women's Equality=Women's Reproductive Rights. March on April 9. Washington, D.C. '89.
National Gay Rights March. Rights are not won on paper. they are won only by those who make their voices heard. -Harvey Milk. Washington, D.C. October 14, 1979.
Close Indian Pt. No Nukes.
Keep Your Laws Off My Body.
Lesbian Pride Dance. 1992.
Lucky Dyke.
March for Peace! June 11. New York City. Support the UN Third Special Session on Disarmament.
