Button, Pin, and Ribbon Collection

The button, pin and ribbon collection contains over 1,700 items, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, documenting movements for peace and social justice around the world.

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2159 items [showing 2,121 - 2,140]


MOCKBA [in Russian]
No Charter Change
War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Living Things
I'd Rather Be In Rochester When It's Nuclear Free.
Unitarian Universalists for Peace Now
Guided Tour; American Association for the United Nations
Listen to Women for a Change
Power to the People
Unite Against War, Racism, Repression
War Camp Community Service
Vietnam For the Vietnamese; U.S. Out Of S.E. Asia. Now!
FW 1813
Reclaim America
Welcome Dorel And Family; Christian Response International; Box 24042, Washington, DC 20024
I Support Sanctuary for Central American Refugees
Ribbon on left: Promote Permanent Peace; Ribbon in center: International Conference; Ribbon on right: Women Workers
Peace to All Nations
No War Toys
Peace Is Patriotic
