Button, Pin, and Ribbon Collection

The button, pin and ribbon collection contains over 1,700 items, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, documenting movements for peace and social justice around the world.

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2159 items [showing 2,061 - 2,080]


Independence Hall; Philada. PA.
Defend Mankind; Defeat Militarism!
Contras No; Nicaragua Si
PAX; Women's International League for Peace & Freedom
Vietnam March; Nov 27; Washington for Peace
A Culture of Peace Through Tourism
Indiana Peace & Justice Network. ipjn.org
Memorial Day. Vietnam: Our Boys Are Dying In Vain. U.S.A. 1967
1967. New York. Mobilization to Stop Mass Murder in Vietnam. San Francisco. April 15
Turn the Arms Race Around. Mobilize for a Nuclear Free Earth
I Helped Elect Carol Moseley Braun to the Senate
We're All in the Same Boat. Soviet American Sail 1989
Women for Peace. Frauen fur den Frieden. Femmes pour la Paix. Donne per la Pace. Vrouwen voor Vrede
Ronbo Must Go
