Button, Pin, and Ribbon Collection

The button, pin and ribbon collection contains over 1,700 items, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, documenting movements for peace and social justice around the world.

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2159 items [showing 2,041 - 2,060]


WAND Is More Than Magic; NYC; Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament
Peace and Justice. Chicago. 1909 [pin]. Second National Peace Congress [ribbon]
don't make waves; make love
Stop the War in Vietnam
Celebrate King's Vision; Work For Peace With Justice
McCarthy '68
A Walk of the People; Ft. Conception to Moscow; 1984; 1985
Keep U.S. Out Of War!; Women's National Committee
why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
War Against Repression; Guerra Contra Represion; April 5; Wall St.
Power to the People
Listen to Women for a Change
Unite Against War, Racism, Repression
War Camp Community Service
Stop the Bombing in El Salvador; CISPES
