Button, Pin, and Ribbon Collection

The button, pin and ribbon collection contains over 1,700 items, dating from the late nineteenth century to the present, documenting movements for peace and social justice around the world.

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2159 items [showing 21 - 40]


Five Continent Conference on Peace and Disarmament. Athens. 13-17 December 1986.
Unreasonable Woman, An
I Support the Troops Home Fast! Day #__
Bring Us Together.  Americans For Amnesty.
Pro-Soldier. Pro-Peace. www.codepinkalert.org
Celebrating 50 years of Gerald Holton's Symbol.  '58.  '08.
Women Opposing War
Death Penalty, The: We can Live Without It
Garrett Park, Maryland.  Nuclear Free Zone.
Stop the Next War Now. www.codpinkalert.org
Teach peace.  Never again war.
Mobilization for Survival. Zero Nuclear Weapons. Ban Nuclear Power. Stop the Arms Race. Fund Human Needs.
Smash S.1.
No Violencia es Nuestra Fuerza.
No Nukes. Disarm for Peace. Women Strike for Peace.
Not in Our Name. NYC Nov 18-19.
Women Against Nuclear Energy.
National Abortion Rights Action League. Never Again. NARAL.
National Coming Out Day. October 11.
