Barclay White Journals

Facets: Omaha Indian Reservation (Neb.)

Barclay White (1821-1906) was a birthright member of the Society of Friends and served as Clerk and Assistant Clerk for various Quaker meetings and committees starting in 1846. In 1871 President Grant appointed him to the position of Supervisor of Indian Affairs (Northern Superintendency) in which office he served until 1876. During this period he lived in Omaha, Nebraska. After this office was closed he was designated by the Convention of Delegates as Friends Special Indian Agent to periodically visit and inspect the reservations. In 1878 White returned to the East to live in Mt. Holly, New Jersey, until his death in 106 at age 86.

The collection comprises five bound volumes assembled by Barclay White titled Genealogy and Family History, “Collected by Barclay White.” White's autobiography begins on p. 251 of vol. 1. Each volume is indexed and illustrated with many tipped-in original photographs and drawings.

The Genealogy and Family History section in Volume 1 includes an index and genealogies of the families of Christopher White and William Smyth.

Barclay White's autobiography, beginning in Volume 1, includes detailed descriptions of his appointment in 1877 as Special Indian Agent of the Convention of Delegates of the Seven Yearly Meetings and his tenure as Superintendent of Indian Affairs under the Grant administration. Of particular interest is a very detailed history of his life in Nebraska and of the tribes with which he interacted including the Pawnees, Omahas, Winnebagoes, Santee Sioux, and others.

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3 items [showing 1 - 3]
Barclay White family genealogy and autobiography, Volume 1
Barclay White family genealogy and autobiography, volume 3
Barclay White family genealogy and autobiography, volume 2