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Abby Howland Woolsey letter to Miss Gibbons
Abby Howland Woolsey was an influential figure in relief work and nursing. Addressed to either Julia Gibbons or Lucy Gibbons Morse. Glad that Gibbons and her daughter Sally have arrived safely at Point Lookout and discusses the donation and transportation of supplies to Gibbons. Is thankful to Gibbons for sending a copy of the Hospital Gazette. Discusses the work of her sisters Jane Stuart Woolsey and Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey Bacon in the hospital at Portsmouth Grove, including the establishment of a reading room containing two thousand books.
Woolsey, Abby Howland, 1828-1893
3 pages
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Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174
Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174 --
Page 2
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Abby Hopper Gibbons Papers, SFHL-RG5-174 --