[written later: Mrs Huntsman]
Flushing April 21st
Dear Abby
There is a very
nice little creature, here,
the teacher of our children
at the Orphan Home, her
name is Mrs. Rossiter, and
Clara too, she is the
widowed bride of a [Massachusetts]
came for a year only, which
term has almost expired.
She wants to go down among
the wounded men and
help take care of them.
[left side]
can you give her a
If you find her
as thoroughly satisfactory
as we have [crossed out: done]
in her position here, we
[crossed out: she] shall none of us
regret any recommendation
of Clara the 2nd.
Her health is good
to begin with, disposition
pleasant and cheerful,
voice agreeable, and
she is patient discreet
bright attentive, and
consciencious, she is as
firm as a rock when she is
right, quick to perceive right.
[right side]
Will you let me know
as soon as convenient
whether you can give
her work she would
prefer it where it is
most wanted for she
feels that it is carrying
on her husband's, and
she is ready on the
3rd of May.
How I should
like to hear you and
your good husband
speak of the last
blow of the Friend
that we have been combating.
I am busy and
shall be for some time
so I cannot well go [crossed out: over]
to see you, but cannot
[underlined] you [/underlined] come over and
then you may have
an opportunity of seeing
and talking with
Mrs. Rossiter yourself.
In haste, with
love to the girls, your
always attached friend
C Huntsman