[written later]
Mrs Dana
about Officers
Dear Mrs Gibbons
James came home full of lively
expressions of the delights of your
home, I was most grateful for the
Medallion of [?], which is very
suggestive and interesting. I hope
you will approve of an action in
regard to Sally, I assure you we
should consider if the greatest principle
to have her for our dear child thy
Mister, if you and her Father approve
of the proposed plan for her. I cannot
tell you how I miss your coming and
going, and the anticipation and
retrospect of your visits. Not long ago
I saw Ms Sally, formerly Matron
Matron of the Chesapeake Hospital.
She gave me such a moving account
of the suffering of the freed people
about Hampton, that it has dwelt
in my heart every since. She was then
organizing a scheme for thine help,
and seemed to have a strong ally
in [Secretary Stanton], her [?] man and
friend. I heard Miss Jane Woolsey
say first before she left Fairfax
that she felt as if she should
find an outlet to her energies, (when
the Hospital's closed) in working for
the freed people. I am sure the
field is a large one, and a worthy one.
It is [?] to see the variety that
Washington presents thy Mister. I
was present at the ceremony of
Congress, and heard Colfax's speech.
There is her here [?] [?] element,
and [?] private house as its
"Southern" guest. I am not quite
prepared to leave the fire eaters to buy
heart and home, and I offered James
some very cleansing soap, and a rough
towel & soft water, when he came
home the other day and [?] we he
had not [reprised?] to take the office &
[hand?] of [Henry Heth?] of [Virginia] ex rebel
General, with whom he [?] [?] in Utah.
[?] not want some thing from
the [government] Saly. The issue of officers
of new [?], bought & put by
with the explanation that the war
would last a year longer. Blankets
White, $5. [per] [pan?], grey. [United States]
[?], $2. cotton $1.25. Towels pack,
[colored] border & [?], 31. towels [?]
[?], 34c. dressing gowns $2. Shirts 1.50.
[?], [lever?], [?], density with
pink stripes & purple stripes, [lever?]
checked off with scarlet [give?] for [?]
clothes. [?] [?], $1.50 each, bed
[?] [belt?] [lichens?] & linen, [?] for [latches?]
lovely, [me?] wake 8, $1.00 ea, [?]
somebody [?], hair [?] $5 e [?], $1.00
&c send to me if you want any thing.
ever lovingly yours Thesta Dana