N.Y. Sept 8th 1882
Dear Sally
I shall think
of Bonnie tomorrow,
having the companionship
of Louisa, which is such
a pleasure to her, and
of [underlined] thee [/underlined], as having anchored
on sure ground.
Give my love to the dear
[Newshold?], and say to Katharine
in particular, that I
am thoroughly ashamed
many a day, that I never
expressed my pleasure
upon receiving the [sket paths?]
made knitting [?]
the work of her hands,
bid her accept my apology
which means I suppose
years on my side.
Susy came to dinner
last [evening] and seemed
happy. Aunt Mary
passed several hours here
on 4th day, was in excellent
spirits, and seeming
to have fair prospects
Bess fell out of thine
vehicle, cut her chin
and her teeth penetrated
to the outside, a serious
hurt, but doing well.
In 58th St much as
usual, and Aunt Rachel
cheerful. Willie Wright goes to Cotuit
tomorrow. Aunt Sarah lively
Julias [?] come, letter & key followed
Sue agrees with me that there is no news
The bell rang on 5th day, [?]’s Lena
& Otto Hess. Chellie Jaes to Ruselberg
on 3rd day next to remain until
the Monday following. The house
is being set in order in anticipation of
"Miss Julias" arrival, and all is quiet
on the Potomac. Hope thee received
letters mailed to Stratford. Thy loving Mother
I hope Kitty Hayword can settle the
vexed questions. Is Dorothea Dix
in this life, or the other, [underlined] date [/underlined], if absolutely
resting from her labor. It
is a matter of stating the public mind
more than is necessary.