New York Aug 5th 1878
My dear Sally
Maria came
this morning - we dined in
the middle of the day for
Julia’s sake, as she inclined to
a piece of steak with fresh
Tomatoes, and they were
to leave at 3 PM for Northampton -
passing the night
at Sally Thayers and thence
to the mountains - The
best of all news, is a postal
from Uncle Edward saying
he is quite well, and enjoying
himself at York Harbor
Maine - with good company
from Boston - If thee desires
to write, send to the care of
John E. Horewood -
I remember when Julia
was in agony with [neuralgia]
if a person of whose society
she was fond, happened in,
she would soon forget herself,
and this I have kept
in mind when thinking of
Uncle Edward - Freedom
from care and charge of
people has much to do with
one’s condition -
The Hellevated
road is a continual source
of torment to the community
at large, and to the sick a perpetual
widower, with little
hope of relief - Mr Cobb
talks seriously of moving
[?], and perhaps it could
be done, but there is much
against the experiment -
I should let him settle the
question - Susan was here
on Saturday - greatly improved
in health since her visit to
Hannah Breyer - aunt Sarah is getting on
nicely, and really enjoys herself - her fond
Major Stone took tea with us last evening - was
agreeable and satisfactory - Wilson & tribe
left for function 7th day - he was suffering
change of air, and all went off in happy
mood - leaving the father & mother well
content - I sent up in the evening to learn
how all were and a go report
Poor uncle Louis is resting from his weariness,
and we ought to be thankful for the
change - no news from Hyannisport
but I hope for a letter tomorrow -
I must close as it is the
dinner here - [underlined] all
was right [/underlined] august 1st
thanks to fortune -
With dearest
thy mother -
The enclosed I cut from
the Tribune of last week
it does not impress me as
an article to secure helps
of the right kind - nor
should I hope for much in
that direction