[underlined text not transcribed as such]
Home 7th day evening
My dear Gracy,
It is now 9 o’ clock & we must be early in
the morning to start father & mother, but still I must
write a little to my own dear [?]. I have just thrown
down my work for the [W.S.?] sale to write, & indeed I should
have written sooner had not all my leisure time been thus
engaged, I know almost thee will excuse me. I expect
thee has been also busy, write & tell me what thee has
mable, I have very little done yet, two nice baskets &
a bead purse making, but it is so tedious were it not for
the object, I know I would not have patience but how can
any one complain of being “tired”, who remembers the tail [worn?]
slave! I have fancied seeing thee when the mail arrived
and no letter from me, with a disappointed look saying
“it's a real shame Ess don't write,” It is a shame but ever
since Uncle was here I have been so terrible busy. I did
not think when I received thy kind letter it should be so
long unanswered, but perhaps I have made sufficient apology.
Tell Molly she is “right naughty” not to write me an account
of her trip to Kennell, [though] I heard a part of it from the
lips of uncle, but I shall still expect hers, for a good story
never loses by telling. I expect thee was overjoyed to get [such]
a package of letters. We received the day they came. I had
intended writing to thee, but by the time I had read all, I concluded
there were enough letters without me writing. And so the [thee] got one
from Joshua. I wish when thee next writes thee [would]
ask him if he ever received the letter which I wrote to [him]
nearly two years ago while at [K.?] & if so why he has not
answered it. Whether he did or not I wish him to write to
me soon. Give my love to them all – Gracy has thee been
round with petitions any? I suspect it would almost impossible
I have been some but have not many names. thee knows what
kind of a place this is. It appears all our efforts will be ineffectual
– thee has heard of the gag resolutions? offered too by a northern
man! Oh me!!! “What has the worth to do with slavery??[”]
I said ineffectual, but will not the voices of so many thousands
[though] attempts may be made to stifle them, speak in thunder
tones? will they not “speak as the tempest does sterner & stronger”
yes! I hope the tables may be crushed with the burden!
perhaps the worthy can hear that kind of a noise
if they will not listen to the voice of humanity – but I
am [running?] on harum scarum, putting my splinter’d ideas
together in most admirable confusion, I feel just in
the humour for writing a long letter but the time warns
me to desist, Do write soon & tell me all about how
thee & Lydia like the school how much you have
done for the fair & everything I am very anxious to get
a letter. Give my love to Lydia & tell her I should
be pleased if she would write, give my love to each of
the teachers to [friends] Susan & [K.?] & to the girl whom thee loves
best. & if thee does not know. I love thee, just send me
word in thy next – I shall look for an answer by
the bearer.
Farewell dear
Thy Esse