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Sarah F. Corlies letter to Martha Schofield
Sarah "Sallie" F. Corlies was a friend of Martha Schofield's and was the secretary of the Germantown Freedmen's Aid Association, an important source of funding for Schofield's school in Aiken. Has been too busy to write or visit Darby. Discusses the Penn Sewing School and offers to send Schofield a copy of its charter and by-laws. Gives Schofield credit for the official report from the "Penna. Asso." (possibly the Pennsylvania Freedmen's Relief Association) and asks how many teachers Schofield was assigned. Is interested in hearing about the state of Schofield's school upon her return to Aiken. Reminds her to write, stating the Schofield's letters about her work and school are the main business of the Germantown Association meetings. Reports news about family/friends, including Sarah B. (possibly Sallie R. Bowman)'s enthusiasm about the recent woman's suffrage meeting she and some of Schofield's family members attended. References Lawrence Obanyon Posey and Allen A. Scott, former students of Schofield who were attending Lincoln University.
Corlies, Sarah Fisher, 1838-1904
4 pages
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Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --
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Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --