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Germantown 4 4 1874
My dear Martha
As I have been very busy
writing up my minutes, and attending to
neglected Freedmens businiss generally, I
thought I would finish up the morning,
by indulging myself with a chat with
thee once more from the Bower, where it seems
just as natural as though I had never
been across the "big pond" to be enriched with
hosts of pleasant memories & sights, so
indelibly fixed on the mind as to be a
continual feast for a life time - and among
the happiest of all these, was the lovely
[Underlined: welcome home], to house and loving hearts
more precious than words can express, or an
humble individual realize; as not intended
for 'another' - Well the whole 'trip' was a
success from beginning to end - with its
flitting shadows of course, the remembrance
of which fades rapidly, leaving only the
sunshine brightness - and an increasingly sense
of gratitude to the good Father, who in this
[Left and top margin]
all have in being together, I scarcely know which to congratulate most, you are [Underlined: all so] nice
Sarah talks a little of going to New York 2nd day for the Easter holidays if she does not go to Baltimore. Lizzie is
improving, & is down
stairs every day, but
does not go out. Sarah
just brought in a
spray of artbutus!
in bloom, only the 2nd
I have seen, fascinating
little flower I suppose
it is not so rare with
you - Sallie Bowman has
been to Rome & returned
to Genoa. May stay
abroad a year as companion
for Mrs Butter
but this is only a
[Underlined: rumor], so dont [Underlined: say
anything] about it, until
thee hears farther - she
is much better.
How is Nelly Chapman &
Mrs. ? Kind remembrances
to them - Does thee [?]
[?] Aunt Amy from being
a bride? My love to her
[Right margin]
I am safe & sound at home again (without getting married) as [Underlined: she] suggested I might
as in the other affairs of life over-rules
all with His blessing - for daily I am
impressed, with how much better is His
loving care over us - than we could have
planned for ourselves, if we only could
learn to [Underlined: trust] it implicitly - Even while
we follow blindly, walking in the dark,
but as thee is so much more efficient &
faithful, perhaps thee dwells always on
the Mountain tops, & constantly discerns
the light, without having to wander and
grope along in the dark - or 'sit on the fence'
as some of thy less favored sister do - feeling
humiliated with a sense of how little they
accomplish - I find myself anticipating
the time of thy coming north with much
pleasure, for I do want to see thee so much,
it seems such a long time, since those
nice chats yearly Meeting week, last year
and only think of how far I have wandered &
how much I have seen since then, and
what a lot of good lessons thee has taught, -
methinks thy record will stand the highest
in the long account, but each has done
"what she could", and I felt in my place
Only think of what a joyous surprise at
the dear old Bower, I had not the faintest
suspicion of the addition, and [Underlined: it] looks like
fairy work to see this [Crossed out: addition] [Inserted: "Conservatory" [Cousin] [William] calls it] all finished
and the fire burning brightly - in what was
the [Underlined: alley way] - Oh! it was delightful, and
I would like to do it all over again - especially
those charming Christmas letters [Inserted: loving remembrance [Underlined: so far] away] I never
shall be over thanking thee for thine, so
full of thy own brave, cheerful, loving, and
lovely spirit! I wish I could make thee
understand how precious it is to me, and
the exquisite pleasure & appreciation I feel
whenever I think of it - I had to be
generous & share it with my traveling
companions too, & I am sure Mr Gillingham
will ever hold it in grateful remembrance,
as he said that was his kind of religion, &
expressed his ideal exactly - so thee may
know he is a 'Prince of a Man', & I think
it is a great privilige to have found such
lovely new friends, they are so kind and
generous - [Underlined: though] blessed with abundance!
am so glad your school is so flourishing
& that you have had such generous contributions
in books & money, it is all the reward of
faith - We did not hold our Meeting until
yesterday when we had [Underlined: five] present quite
a [Underlined: full] attendance. We hold our last & our
Annual Meeting [Underlined: May 22nd] so if thee has
anything to help make an [Underlined: Annual Report]
do forward for my benefit [Inserted: & I [Underlined: do] have something] Miss Fisher says
her contributors will pay as long as she
asks them, because she asks so we are
good so long as [Underlined: her] interest is insured, which
is not flagging - Does Lizzie receive her salary
from the state? or is she more than human
working for nothing & finding herself [?]
if it is and impertinent question, I am privililged
from the Cause & no idle curiosity. My love
to the dear girl & thanks for her lovely
note which I appreciated highly and
so glad she met our dear friends the Baileys
I am sure she must have enjoyed them
as they did her, they told me when they wrote
I hope we may meet & talk it all over sometime
and lots of love to those dear precious Cousins
Margaret & Sarah from me, what a treat you
[Left margin]
Cousin William went to Washington 4th day & saw the President about the Indians - Lovingly
Sallie F. Corlies
[Top margin]
F. Corlies
is to
be married
the 30th
of this
of my
having a
[Underlined: Nephew].
The 1st
my dear
old [?]
[Loss of text]
[Right margin]
good Captains sad fate, what a favor it was not our trip!
Miss Martha Schofield
[Crossed out: Aiken]
[Crossed out: [South Carolina]]
Delaware [County]
Sarah F. Corlies letter to Martha Schofield
Sallie F. Corlies was secretary of the Germantown Freedmen's Aid Association, an important source of funding for Schofield's school in Aiken. Mentions construction Schofield has had done at her school. Briefly discusses fundraising.
Corlies, Sarah Fisher, 1838-1904
5 pages
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --