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[January] 15. 1872
[Crossed out: My] dear Friend
This morning 49
restless, active, [Crossed out: working] children were
bring crowded into thirty [Inserted: two] Desks
all ready for [Crossed out: th] work - while the
Teacher was busy drawing out [Crossed out: the]
unselfishness, by inducing them to
[Crossed out: be] big and be accommodating, at
the same time feeling they [Underlined: were doing]
their very best, for many time spent the
last few weeks [Crossed out: in answer to the] [Inserted, Underlined: when some one] appeal
[Crossed out: of] [Inserted: came up with] please give me another seat - I [Underlined: cannot]
write there," [Inserted, Underlined: was ma] the question was asked who
shall be turned out to make more room?
Not once has there been a reply - not
one [Crossed out: willing, another] wanting another to loose
the opportunity [Crossed out: of learning, and so we] and so
we were struggling on through many disadvantages
and often very uncomfortable, especially
on cold days - To-day in the
midst of this crowded work - The Teacher
was summoned to the door - [Crossed out: to find]
and on opening the telegram - [Crossed out: how]
all the concentrated worriments of months
seemed lifted from their mind. Can it
really be? - [Crossed out: can] Has all this great good
to come to us -? [Crossed out: Oh generous hearts,
oh, oh, strong men, and good men],
The ever present thought of it has permeated
every moment since -, how easy
it [Crossed out: seemed] [Inserted: was] to be patient with the cold,
restless, little ones, how [Crossed out: ready] quick
forgiveness came in to the heart
made so happy by the joyful
news -.
How can I thank thee, and thy dear
good wife, for I know she must have
been "reporter" of our discomforts, words
seem weak, for this is a blessing that
must be with us [Underlined: daily], [Crossed out: and though
you may never know, how great it
is] year after year, and though you may
never know how great it is, hundreds
will enjoy it for a long time to come.
It is not only the increased comfort, but
the great help in the work of education,
[Crossed out: among] which is something more than
book knowledge - with so little home
training, the [Inserted: proper development of the] moral and mental nature
needs [Crossed out: much more careful development] patient
careful attention, during school hours, and
all assistance towards a better [Underlined: system]
is most highly [Crossed out: appreciated] valued.
Our appreciation can best be
shown by [Crossed out: a] greater efforts to prove
[Underlined: worthy] of such kindness, and by
constant faithfulness in the work
"given us to do," keep the [Underlined: good
moving] - [Crossed out: so that our faith may
be proved] [Inserted: as the] [Crossed out: the] true [Crossed out: may] [Inserted is] [Crossed out: be] known
by its fruits.
[Crossed out: In the seven years that after] [Inserted: In] seven
years labor in this cause, my [Underlined: faith]
has never wavered, for [Crossed out: in] no matter
on what portion of the Father's Vineyard
our lot may be cast - we will
still find His strength and support
as long as we are guided by His divine
Light, which [Crossed out: can illuminate the darkest
pathway], is able to perceive [Crossed out: all] the
clouds and darkness [Crossed out: that] circumstances
or worldly discouragements may [Crossed out: put]
place in our pathway.
The Consciousness of doing His will is
sufficient reward, and [Crossed out: can] always
brings sweet peace into the heart & life -.
This is only a [?] acknowledgement
of thy message yesterday - and
the promise to do the very best we can
with the very generous donation -
Martha Schofield letter draft
Describes the crowded conditions in her school and thanks the recipient for a donation to help the institution. Presumably written from Aiken, South Carolina.
Schofield, Martha
4 pages
reformatted digital
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134
Martha Schofield Papers, SFHL-RG5-134 --