Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Apologizes for failing to properly reply to recent correspondence. Discusses recent events and news concerning family and friends. Recounts interacting with and news of Joseph Barker. Mentions Dr. Stamm wanting to organize a convention and Quaker Meeting lecturers. Describes in detail the court testimony and protection of fugitive slave Jane Johnson by abolitionists. Has visited Passmore Williamson in prison, who was arrested for his role in Jane Johnson's escape. Discusses the schooling of Martha's children and the possibility of Ellen Wright attending the Sharon Female Boarding School ("the Darby School") run by Rachel Tyson Jackson. Complains about the handwriting of multiple individuals and mentions the circulation of correspondence. Talks about Christianity and Quakerism. In reference to the Saratoga Springs Woman's Rights Convention, which Martha Coffin Wright had been elected president of, Mott says she has hoped that the reputations of Mary Wollstonecraft, Frances Wright, and Robert Owens "would have justice done them, and the denunciations of bigoted Sectarianism fall into merited contempt." Mentions a Quaker preacher named Elizabeth Collins Leedom and a meeting of the Executive Committee. Edward Hopper "has been engaged day and night with the Slave case," referencing his work as an attorney for Passmore Williamson. Discusses her views on schooling and land available in the West Chester area that could be bought and used to establish a school. Also briefly mentions Lucy Stone, Ernestine Rose, and physician Ann Preston.
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880
10 pages
reformatted digital
Mott Manuscripts, SFHL-MSS-035
Mott Manuscripts, SFHL-MSS-035 --