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'My Efforts to Become a Lawyer"
Article in which Lockwood discusses her early life and her career as a lawyer, with a focus on the discrimination she faced as a woman.
Lockwood, Belva Ann, 1830-1917
15 pages
reformatted digital
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098 --
es OM. a ehild, the bent ef my m uind has been one of extreme prac-
ticality, Phat knowledae ouly has been prize wlwhich T could im-
niatiately tam to wernt in everveday Hie. and tp the pursuit of sueh
knowledge J have been undaun ed by conventions, I have ever been
able to enter into the prepe Ueos of the centuries past, thar have had no
‘sa wwe, ner to discover that
the Hinaitation ne of Worurs sphere as leretuiors diciated by the eastonis
of sock ely Were W: arthy of serious consideration, Aly only thought was
to do those things whieh dm the nature of buman affairs seemed the
things to be done, and to o them In the best and quost expeditions
manner, Hence 1 was nat refol as to the rm
that it was ineans to an end, ‘and never der a moment stopped t 0 cone
women Were accustomed to do, but
fonndation in reason, in netare, or da pature
PY ol my work, 6
sider whether the labor was such
only whether Thad iliiy to perform it.
Of course, with t cndenuy of mind, T was constantly rung
into difficulties. At about ten T “Lad read the Bibl
through, but bad read it asa chic evine Jiterally all that it
contains. [supposed filth onty wae sary to the re-enactment
of the miracles of Senptice . Beleving that Thad this faith, or might
have it, with a proper disposition of ini L undertuok te perform
these miracles, and of course inglorious
My efturt at waling on water result sad wefting of any
pantal ets and sk ints | arments then worn by little ecouniy-girls of
dd somewhat chook mv
2 ‘ minty, New Youl ‘8 an
belief in my own abilities, or else in my understanding of the wo “cd
“faith? J had selested for tis eperinient a mill-pond near my
father’s house, and, without he nhising any person of my intention, had
proceeded to the edge of the pen wd alone, and, suinnieming vp courare
-—or faith, as Eth htt pack stagk ta altate the exan iple of the
great apos stle Peter, bo hte fer, Tomy surprise
ane discomiumre, my 2 vo sands bed below 5 and,
Ny wos
quit thro:
although J retired in ood order, it was with dag: gled skirts ‘and 2
doubting mind, to reesive a good eal dine my tmeder, Thad net
teal, and indeed had
op had 1 yet been
yet Jearnel tha the
he conception of tac nak
he that only Fiuen were enppe
bac prever ve t ese
ded on a woman’s ad, “i
was elassit] vachole human far! By ander the generic term man,
and unfortar ately hs ve been dolog so ever sinee.
Bei this caduve did not maté ‘alle Camp my hopef Iness nor my
or papper: one of mv ie haracter ist!
arder, Contin
nee T selost
tnd t
t had just
MPw next etfori
reformatted digital
Belva Ann Lockwood Papers, SCPC-DG-098 --