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cae. ce tf the LUN CS
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5°: poe egal!” aM tehs Yount
be siete Sf fi asl Hoovte eae lib WOCC ALOR Ke
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lord ee Lo) le: nL yaa for Mich in cvny Herth
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Ge a. (goed > ol ty Me Vth Mitoh ¢ of te. Wed Member Sfrrederr Clr Add fhe. Giok
Mall gend Wits WOVECEd gous llacepleiraaeh Meet trge ab lead Maheuivbeaeta>
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ac dest1ed 1 <2 we beediirr hg tye Suni aca Cohen 0, few egus / Zoos.
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Minutes of the Friendly Association, December 4, 1756
reformatted digital
HC-Ph-Y-838-05-123 (1250/AA1.1), pages 245A-245D
Indian Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records, Friendly Association Papers --