@Mount of land plowed
‘the presence of the Gu
ae 4
ginugle-track line between Samar:
thing that will make you certain that you are not in the famine
You will simply not undergtand it, especially if you heve
' the appalling casualties amoag
horses thie lest year in
{hie is what you will see. Mile after mile of flat river
A broad bi
ine just beyond the 2S0esere millet field where they are
utting and threshing the clean native millet + millet for
which land wae eens by Quaker 1
black strip slong the raiirosd,
Yand June «
the gentle slope townarc
But you will be able ta get
tne uxeep of it fro : £0
ayallel with the track for a distance of two or three miles.
Biowed. iand ic neither the ™
barat ty peapante . Medther mu: t it be taken ae
in these parte. it is entirely abnormal,
not be there but for the fa
itd their work. It is
a they have plowed fox the fall seeding. It is the }
the cao et visible evie
gon for it runs puck
lt is not a miracle, but it would
ker tractore. “4t is
the la
biggest gingle s acsomplisk
dence of the precenee of the eheint Wiseion in Serochinekoye.
Two carloads of seed nye have arrived from the Gul
bi . fhe haxrxows and secders,
fordsons are already at work, The
i cB ea bi NN SS ac NAR Re ceca hid 8 ae i aad ai 2 ig: oad ni de i ; n cil alia Kalin: is Ras ty aiiiass his lls, ine ee nf ue al Bi
weillable for
all the re jaras, after anounte for repayment of seed grain is
taken out, to those peasants who will still be in need aad in
a r » 1923,
end consider a little, It
should make you realize that there is eti11 actually, %.
ourse not as acutely or drametically ag lact ou mer,
aluk county and that it will etill a
‘we ite effeete in
ou must realize that
‘ plowed earth in the
whole of the vast province of
he one and only laxge belt of blac
Samara..it is the work of « foreign relief agency thet is
ig peaceful aad productive and worth Living taeseees+sAnd next
game line the traveler will be amased at
ot of an almost endless een of gold + the ripening rye.