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P rwfe r tec mf art gl Hurl As oad
| antital,—
wi, the undersi ned, the SOCIETY OF FRIENDS of England
Ai 4 VLae Ree 4 ‘ 4 A ) Tee T AAT
and AWwerica (QUAKSHS) on the one side, and the KUoOITAN
wbisLiol raviiall Vs COVIET REPUSLIC known as the Sovist
Government, on the other, have come to the following
Agreement: |
1. The Society of Friends has for two years been helping
the Kussian population with food and clothes, and wishes to
continue to carry on this work and to carry on work of a
reconstructive cnaracter.. | |
2. To attain this aim the Society of Friends will exten
its relief to the BU4ULUK DISTRICT and to Noscow and to
other regions which by agreement with the Soviet Government
may be recognized as requiring relief.
3. The Soviet Government will expeditiously extend all
facilities for the entry into and exit from hussia of the
personnel the Society of Friends “ay bring into Kussia,
end while such personnel are in nussia the ooviet Govern.
ment shall accord then ful] liberty to come and go and
move about Kussia on official business, and shall provide
them with 911 necesssry papers, such as safe conducts,
laigsez-passer, etc., ta facilitate their travel. The
nunber of the foreign personnel shall be in accordance with
the extent and nature of the work of the Society of Friends.
4. The society of Friends shall have conplete freedom to
select its local employees and shall comply with the code
of laws on the protection of labour and Trade Unions. The
Soviet Government will do all they can to assist in finding
suitable enployees. | .
®. The Society of Friends shall deliver its supplies st the
Russian ports, or the nesrest practicable adgacent points,
such as Hiss and Heval, and the Soviet Government will bear
ell further expenses of the same connected with their trans-
portation to tne Russian boundary, including Customs dues,
if sny. The Soviet Representatives at these ports are to be
notified at least five days ahead of the arrival of such
supolies, as the Soviet Goverrment has agreed to receive
6. The Soviet Goverrment will give the mere oe friends
the same priority in thie as that accorded to their own
Relief, end will furnish adequate convoys, etc. |
7. The Soviet Government will at its own expense supply
storage facilities at base points and the tronsportation
needed for supplies.
6. The coviet Government will allow the free import of all
relief supplies whatever, and will guarantee them szainst
requisition. The Seviet Government further guarantees that
the operations of the Society of Friends, its supplies and
funds will be free fron any Torn of tax, imnpost, veer or
commission on the part of the Governnent or of any Governnent
departnent or institution. |
9. The supvlies of the Society of Friends shall remain
its absolute property until they are finally distributed.
10. The Soviet Government undertakes to reimburse in
Pounds sterling or replace in kind, any supplies lost or
damaged in trmsit, or in warehouse or gsrages.
ll. The Soviet Government is to provide necessary premises
for kitchens, dispensaries and hospitals, and the bociety
of Friends has the right of control over the distribution
of the food products snd nedicings supplies by them. In
case the work should dewelop so widely in any particular
district that the existing inmbitutions do nek provide for the
needs, especially of medical or sanitary work or chidlrens!
hones, tne Soviet Goverrment undertakes in cooperation with
the Society of Friends to meet these needs. All expenses
connected with these institutions and undertakings such as
fuel, light, equipment, etc., are borne by the Soviet
Government. vi
12. In localities where the ss Friends may be
operating, the Society of Friends shall be empowered by |
the Soviet Government to take such steps as may be necessary
towards the improvenent of sanitary conditions.
13. The Soviet Govermnent will give free transportation for
the movenent of relief supplies from the border to the place
of operation and for such personnel with their baggage as is
necessary efficiently to control relief onerations.
14. In all localities where the Society of Friends may be
operating, the Soviet Government will furnish and equip free
of charge offices, garsges, store-rooms and quarters for the
persomiel with light, heat and water for same, and fuel for
6. The soviet Government will supply free of cost petrol and
lubricating oil for motor transport and tractozs.
16. The soviet Governnent grants the Society of Friends the
free use of communications by radio, telegraph, telephone, |
mail and courier service for official requirements.
17. The Soviet Governnent will extend to the society of
Friends the benefit of any privileges granted to any other
foreign relief orgenization.
18. The Soviet authorities will allow importation and re.
export free of duty of the necessary bagpaze naintenance,
transport and office supvlies, also tools, machinery, goods,
etc., used for reconstruction pruposes, and will give them
free transportation.
19. The Soviet Government will bear all expenses of relief
qverations (including the payment of local personnel) ther
than the cost of supplies, and the direct expenses of the
Society of Friends control and paynent of the Society of
Friends personnel, and in general, will give the Society of
Friends 911 the assistance in their power.
20. The relief is to be distributed without regard to race,
religion, social or political status.
21. The Society of Friends shall heve the right to buy, sell,
lat on hire or exchange supplies for the purpose of carryin
on relief or reconstruction work. However, all these spertbore
are to bs carried out with the knowledge of the doviet |
suthorities. In case of liquidation the Society of Friends will
give the Soviet Government the ortion of purchase. All funds
accruing from such transactions shall be used for relief or
reconstruction work in itussia. |
22. The Society of Friends shall have power to enter into
nezotiations and to make contracts with local suthorities,
if such contracts ere in general harmony with this a,::reenent}
for this purpose all such contracts are to be entered into with
the knowledze of the Kepresentative Plenipotentiary or Ais
local revresentatives, and the Soviet Government will enforce
the execution of such contracts.
23. Throughout this agreement all césuses relating to supplies
for relief work ralate equally to supplies for reconstruction
24. The Society of Friends undertakes that its personnel in
Russia will engage in no political or commercial actifities,
unleza the Soviet Government shall grant a special permission
to enzage in such. Any represertative of the Society of
Friends who should violate this clause of the sgreament will
he recalled or discharged upon the request of the Soviet
Goverment, provided the latter furnished proff of such
violation. | : |
26. The Society of Friends guarantees that it will import
| oe cL. ool ek a. ere
no alcohol except by permission of the Soviet Government® all
supplies imported by the Society of Friends shall or
by the Customs authorities eat such points as shall mutually
be agreed upon.
Sept. 18, 1922
MOSCOW OFFICE, Bolshaya, Nikitskaya 43
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American Friends Service Committee relief work agreement proposal
Agreement between the Society of Friends' American Friends Service Committee and the Soviet government over the Society's continued relief work in Russia. Possibly written by the American Friends Service Committee.
American Friends Service Committee
4 pages
reformatted digital
The collection of Beulah Hurley Waring and Alston Waring, New Hope, PA --