Access to this object is restricted to the Bryn Mawr College community
President Cassidy's response, part 1, Instagram post
Shorthand to how President Cassidy has responded to our demands (pt. 1/2)
Bryn Mawr College Strike Collective (author)
10 digital images
born digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
BMC-RG9-ME, BMC Strike Collective
Access to this object is restricted to the Bryn Mawr College community
President Cassidy's response, page 1, Instagram post
Shorthand to how President Cassidy has responded to our demands (pt. 1/2)
Bryn Mawr College Strike Collective (author)
1 digital image
born digital
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
BMC-RG9-ME, BMC Strike Collective