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College news, October 1, 1964
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 51, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
October 1, 1964
\ i ih
» x
Page Seven’
‘Testy’ Exam Questions Unearthed M, King Kong Come to Htord,
In Faculty’s Mouldy Filing Cabinets Film Series Tickets Now on Sale
Soon, too soon, Bryn Mawr fresh-
men. will. be. exposéd to the, ingd-:--
tutions of quizzes, midserhesters,
and, yea, even finals, To aid them
in these times, we have unearthed
a number of testy exam questions,
found in old, old exam files, (We
must, however, express our ap-
preciation-to the Emory University -
PHOENIX for their tireless ren.
search on our. behalf.)
-. -These—questions.- represent the:
offerings of various and scattered.
(Continued from page 5)
vious unpleasant encounteis with
workers inthe old-line Democratic :
machine, In a project concerned
with combatting housing discrim-
ination, CORE had a white couple
_.-»,drequest,a .specific.type of apart-.
‘ment and then has’a Negro couple
request the same, Often, the land-
lord has’ an apartment for the
white couple, but tells the Negro
couple he has no vacancy. If so,
CORE reports his apartment build-
ing to the Fair Housing Commis-
sion and pressures them to force
the landlord to meet their require-
A fourth project which concerned
nearly all of the members of Down-
town CORE this summer was the
*¢Mississippi Project.’’ This pro-
ject received an amazingly good
response from the neighborhood,
‘Because Michael Schwerner, one
of the three civil rights workers
’ killed in Mississippi early in the
summer, was a member. of Down-
town CORE and active in the com-
munity, many people were per-*
sonally dedicated to this project.
When the project was in full oper-
ation, members were able to col-.
lect around $1,000 a week for
Mississippi. Chapter members
have already driven two truck-
loads of food and clothing to Meri-
dian, running considerable per-
sonal risk. "
In addition to the naar. pro-
jects described above, CORE par-
_ ticipated in- demonstrations pro-:
‘testing the July slaying of James
Powell by Police Lieutenant Gilli-
“gan, Although these were non-
violent demonstrations, consisting
of picketing a local precinct sta-. .
tion, the demonstrators received
Main Line Photo Service
LA: 5.4440
for every roll left for develop-
ing and printing. Kodacolor or
gg and white. Sizes 620-127-
Cameras » Projectors - Screens
Sale and Rentals
Photostats = Camera Repair
Dark Room Supplies
We develop our own black
‘and white film.
_Tours with Dorothy. Kilgalle
‘*If a bullet traveled .,
departments. We hope you will find
- thom. useful, if not vaguely ....well,
. vague, :
CHEMISTRY: ‘‘Ifthere are 1,000
tons of TNT .to every -megaton
bomb, how many biology students
would it take to demolish the phy-
sics building?”
HISTORY: ‘*Compare Ceneieuie
at- the. speed- of light; how—many
biology graduate students would:it
a barrage of insults, eggs, bricks,
and bottles from neighborhood *
whites. Other action of this type
Anckaded a memorial ceremony and
march ‘for: Mickey Schwerner anda
demonstration at Atlantic City in
sppport-of the ne Free-
Although the chapter siatiiil:
itally considers a demonstration
necessary and effective, 90% of
Downtown CORE’s energy is di-
rected to the more realistic and
effective long-range projects, in
which a student, volunteering dur-
ing the summer or working in
spare time during the school year, -
can play a vital role and through
which he can gaih valuable per-
sonal experience,
take to demolish all of the. chem-
istry graduate students?’’ :
ENGLISH: ‘‘Write an essay on
‘the essay. Do not depend too heavily
on what you have learned in this’
BIOLOGY: “write a short efsay
(3,000 words or more) on the con-
tributions of slime mold to the de- *-
. velopment. of ‘conscience’ of Biol-
ogy, 9
GEOLOGY: “‘My-only peer
pleistocene rock has a nature very
similar to a bag of marbles. Is this
a useful concept for explaining the
lack of Vermont marble facing on.
Bryn Mawr’s new buildings? De-
plorable situation, that!’
CLASSICS: “Italia. est insula.”
‘¢Who was the author of this fam-
ous quote? Does it have any rela~
tion to question number 4 on Dr.
Cuttino’s 1959 History finalexam?
“(This question is-designed’ to aid
those who have. files of old
exams,)? :
per picked a. peck of pickled pep-
pers, how many pigs are thereina
*¢Could French and Spanish possi-
bily be combined to make a fourth
Slavonic tongue? Please base your
answer on outside readings in Ital-
ian recommended by the German
The 1964-65 Haverford Film
Series will feature 23 full-length
movies, with accompanying shorts ;
__Yanging from SHOOT THE PIANO
PLAYER, a French parody of the
American gangster movie (tomor-.
row night) to KING KONG, ‘‘a
horror movie witha markedappeal .
to intellectuals, td according to
Series Director Walter —
“Haverford, *65.
Series tickets, costing $6. a. or
about thirty-five cents an evening,
are available from Diana Hamilton
in Rhoads. No tickets will be sold
to the individual shows:
Other movies in the film series
include M, the great Peter Lorre
jfilm and THE BLUE® “ANGEL, in
a enema
LAwrence 5-0894 « LAwrence 5-7350
We carry a complete line of
Household Articles
which Marlene Dietrich made her
‘Towards the. end of the year
there will be an evening of comedy,
including Charlie —_—- and Mr.
Magoo. |
~The --year’s: schedule-includes-
seven more full- length pictures
than were shown last year and con-
‘ 6
centrates on’ “the—-movie“classic————
rather than on the-strietly popular”
or overly obscure.
Movies will be shown on week-
end, nights during the year. For a
comflete schedule and ticket in-
formation, ‘see the. Arts Council
bulletin board in Taylor.
|Classified Ads|
WANTED: Responsible party to
take over low monthly payments
on a spinet piano. Can be seen
locally. Write Credit Manager,
P.O.’ Box 35, Cortland, Ohio.
»_.. Smart. Eating,Place-:
24 .N. Bryn Mawr Avenue
LA 5-6623.4
: MI 2-0764
Largest Selection Folk Music
Pop - Classics - Jazz
October 14th is deadline for
Liberal Arts majors ‘to apply
_ NSA’ S, Professional Qualification Test =
is your first step towards a uniquely
rewarding career
to acquaint you with its new technologies, and
encourages advance degree programs at nearby
Now, what of the more. pragmatic rewards?
fred braun
strap bags
suede jackets
and skirts.
1602 Spruce St. Philadelphia
845 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr
Let us clarify what we mean by:a ‘‘uniquely rewarding career.’ If you agree with our definition,
. then perhaps you should see your College Placement Officer to learn more about the National
Security Agency and the Professional Qualification Test to be given. Saturday, October 24th.
(Passing this test does not commit you in any way, but you, must pass it first in order to schedule
‘an on-campus interview with NSA apres )
First of all, whatever your major interest—
‘finance & accounting, personnel or business
». administration, data systems programming
languages or linguistic research—you can make
use of your college-acquired capabilities with
the National. Security Agency, -headquarters
for secure communications research and devel-
opment . . . unusual design refinements in com-
puter & edp systems... . cryptologic and related
techniques. Your professional growth‘and earn-
ing power expand from the day you join us,
without having to wait for years of *“‘experience.”
Then, too, you will engage in study and
‘research that will take you well. beyond known
and accepted boundaries of knowledge. Al-
though NSA is a key reséarch activity within
the Department of Defense, it has influence and
responsibility of far greater scope ... and in-
tellectual associations with leading institutions,
laboratories, agencies and consultants. The art
‘National aca "Agency * Fort —Geurge C. “Meade, _Maryland |
and science of secure communications in. all its
ramifications .is utterly without precedent or
restriction, and involves programs. of. national ~
TANCE—a thought worth repeating. For
what it may be worth to you personally, you'll
realize an extra measure of satisfaction from
your NSA work, knowing that the results may
benefit a lot of people.
In this regard, you'll find, too, that the NSA
interchange-of-information leads easily and
naturally to a maximum extension of your-in-
dividual capabilities. You'll find yourself work-
ing with people from an. amazing range of
intellectual sectors—philosophy, psychology,
history, international affairs, English, art and
music... over 500 of whom have advanced
degrees—in a near-academic environment.
NSA conducts internal development programs
ree Scientists and
Your BA degree makes you eligible to start at
$6,050... with regular increases as well. as
excellent promotion possibilities in your field.
As a Federal employee, you are entitled to a
number of meaningful benefits—including 13
working days’ leave the first year. NSA also
offers: both aid and encouragement in your
pursuit of advance. degree education at nearby
universities (Maryland and Johns Hopkins in
particular are nearby). 7
~ One further advantage is NSA’s location. ...
midway between Washington and Baltimore in _.
an area of fast-growing business, industry, and
research expansion. Take your pick of in-town, -
suburban, or rural living—and enjoy the prox-
imity to the Chesapeake Bay and ocean resort
If you agree-act now.
If you are interested in an NSA career,
you must apply for the Professional
ification Test NO LATER THAN. WED-
NESDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Your College
Placement Officer has a PQT brochure
and application. (You must be a U.S. citi-
zen, and are subject to a character &
loyalty check.)
Mathematicians: Ask about
on-campus interviews. with
An Equal Opportunity Emplo$er
9 W. Lancaster Ave. oo, boners