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College news, October 1, 1964
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 51, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
“Room, Goodhart. ©
“total. According to this report,
Vol. we No. 2
‘ °
October 1, 1964
“28 Cénie
~B: M C. ‘Students to Help N. B. Cz
Total the State Election ies:
By Sandy ‘Shapiro, ‘66
Bryn Mawr College students have
been invited by the Network Elec-
tion Service to work for theService
* on election night in compiling the
election returns for the state of
"The Network. Election Service
is-a newly formed-organization of
the reporting facilities of the three
major national broadcasting sys-
tems N.B.C., C.B.S,. and A.B.C.,
and the two major press services,
the Associated Press and the
United Press International. The
Election Service will-cover~ the
1964 elections throughout the na-
tion on all levels,
N.B.C, is responsible for the
coverage of the state of Perinsyl-
vania. The tabulation work will be
done in Philadelphia in Convention
Hall. Over 200 telephones. and
many adding machines will be
used to gather in all the vote counts
from over 9,200 polling places in
this state. From Philadelphia, the
‘yote counts willbe sent on to New
York City where: they will be re-
ported to the nation.
More than 300 Bryn Mawr stu-
dents will answer telephone calls
reporting vote tallies in precincts
throughout. the state. Other Bryn
Mawr students will be messengers
and tally clerks at various desks
‘in the Hall.
Mr. Don Farmer, the N.B.C,
coordinator of the_project, is work-
ing with Sandy Shapiro and Betsey
Pinckney on the actual organization
of the ‘500 Bryn Mawr workers,
All workers must ‘be preserit at a
required rehearsal in Convention
Hall in the afternoon, Saturday, -
October 3lst. The rehearsal will
train all workers for their. jobs.
The work on election night; Tues-
day, November 3rd, begins at ap-
proximately 6 p.m. that evening
and will probably continue until
BMC League Conference to Explore
Student’ Relationship to Community
The Bryn Mawr League is plan-
ning a conference to discuss ‘‘The
Student’s Role in the Community,’’
October 5 at 7:30, in the Common
League President Nancy Bradeen
described: the primary interest of
the conference not as social work
but as an opportunity for students
to learn about. the Bryn Mawr com-..
munity. "Possibly more contact be-
tween schcol and town will result.
A secondary purpose is the en-
couragement of more social work
activity here. Such work’ would
involve not only slum children
but also those of middle class
“Material for the conference is
w divided into three sections, First
*will come a broad sketch of the
. Bryn Mawr community, including
demography (population), economy,
and community services. Youth
services will be emphasized. .:
The second segment will contain
a description of how the college
’ presently interacts with thé neigh-
boring community, Nancy Bradeen
will cover both these
$ lectures,
James Foundation
Gives Half Million
The James Foundation of New
York announced in late July the -
award of $500,000 to Bryn Mawr,
Among the.other colleges and uni-
versities receiving. awards from
“the Féundation were Haverford,
Swarthmore, University of ‘Penn-
- sylvania, Harvard and?Y ale.
The half million dollar award
will be placed in thefund currently
being raised in coordination with
the Ford Foundation to provide
$10,000,000 for Bryn Mawr.
The Ford Foundation has agreed
to match: a projected $7,500,000
raised by thé college with a grant
_.of $250,000,
alumnae, the college announced
that it has already pledged
$5,976, 057 toward the ‘$7,500,000
$1,523,943 must still be rajsed.
t pee gan secs -
‘In a report recently sent to trom v
The final portion wili be a panel
discussion on formal and informal
student participation in the com-
munity. Dr. Bernard Ross, pro-
~ fessor of social’ work-and,social
research, will lead the panel.
Other members are Mrs. Wal-
_ter Foster of the Bryn Mawr.
school board, Mr. Donald Archer
of: -Y.MeCvAcs ‘the Reverend-Burton.
of Bethel AME Church and a 1 BMC
The community is invited to at-
tend the program, and .an’ open
discussion will follow the planned
’ presentation, |
most of the Pennsylvania results
are compiled.
Sign up sheets were posted in
all dormitories. last week. The
response to this ‘‘call to duty’?
was overwhelming. Mr. Farmer
has offered work to all those 500
people who signed the lists in the.
halls. He has also stressed the. .
necessity for actual attendance at
both the rehearsal and the election
work,. Therefore, all those who
signed up will be able to work on
the project.
Plans are now made for a meet-
ing of all those who signed the ©
lists on’ Thursday, October 29th in
Goodhart. ‘Time will be ahnounced.
Transportation will be provided
for both the rehearsal and on No-
vember- 3. Arrangements will be
made for meals to be served
earlier on those’ days. All student
workers will be paid ten dollars. :
Alliance and Undergradare very
enthusiastic about the project and-
about student response to it. Bryn
Mawr students now have the op-
portunity to be actively involved
in the reporting and the excitement
of the 1964 elections.
Because. much of the work will
be more efficiently handled if stu-
dents are acquainted-with the names
of the candidates for public office
in this state, workers should begin
-now to keep abreast of the cam-
~»~paigns,-The. work requires no other
background -- except honesty.
The sign up lists were. taken
down on Friday, September 25. If
any students now want to partici-
pate “inthe “project;~ they~ should
contact Sandy Shapiro in Denbigh
IMMEDIATELY. Those students
who have already signed up will
be assured. of work. As soon as
more information comes in, it
will appear inthe COLLEGE NEWS,
Students vote in hall meeting on hours for guests in rooms.
Dorms vets Guests | in ' Dorms
The shelton of hours for guests
in private dormitory rooms on Fri-
day and Saturday nights until 10
went into effect this past weekend.
All residence halls voted this week
on whether or not they would ex-
“tend the guest hours on: Sunday
through Thursday nights until 10.
Batten, Denbigh, Marion, Rad-
nor, Rhoads, Rockéfeller and
Wyndham all voted to allow guests
in the rooms until 10 p.m, Sunday
through Thursday. Pembroke West
decided. to. allow. the
rooms until 10 ppm. on Sunday and
until ..7:30...on. Monday. through
Thursday. Spanish House voted to
allow guests in the rooms until
9 pem, on Wednesdays.
Pembroke East has decided to
continue on a Friday and Saturday
only. schedule for two.weeks,.after
which it will vote on the possible
extension of-hours Sunday through -
Thursday until 10 p.m.
In all Halls, students must sign
in their. guests after 6:30 p.m. and
escort.them to their rooms,
In most of the Halls, the present
schedule is on 4a trial basis. If it
F reshmen to Devote Two N ights
Presenting Hall. Plays i in. Skinner
#1 Sylph Laurie Deutsch (Ariel) gives. forth with iiaée ten -
Rhoads’ Freshman Hall Play version of ‘‘Rape of the Lock’’.
The Freshman Hall Plays which
will be presented F riday andSatur-
day nights in Skinner Workshop
offer free entertainment no matter
what your taste in dramas :
For the young at-heart, Merion
freshmen will present a chapter
because as director Deborah Jack-
son says, **We love it.” The stage
manager working with Director
Jackson is Liz Bennett, |
a a2
_ Almost all the plays are come-
dies, but there is a wide range of
subjects,-from..Denbigh’s: light-
handed treatment of B.M,C,, THE
‘a parody on (you guessed it) Mil- -
The Denbigh play will be directed
by Janet Kole assisted by her stage
- manager, Amy. Dickinson, The
Radnor play is under the direction:
of Linda Delloff assisted by her
stage manager, Anne Gero, |
Jessica Harris, director of the
Pembroke West play, and Jackie
Siegal, director of the Rhoads
play; have found some few sources
of material for their plays. The
Pem. West play, THE. LAST
FLOWER, is based on a series of
cartoons ‘by James-Thurber, The,
“Rhoads play is THE RAPE OF THE
LOCK by Alexander. Pope. Both
Plays will be narrated, The stage
managers for the Pem. West play
and the Rhoads play are Ruth Gais
and Eddie Berenberg respectively.
For a new Slant onShakespeare,
you canenjoy MAC'S's
Gfeanoff, Sallie Griffin is the stage
“manager of the play, whichis the
work of freshmen from the College
does not prove satisfactory,.dorm-
itories will- reconsider the sche-=
The Self Gov. Executive Baunaal
has alsOé made.some minor rule
and procedure changes.
When ‘students sign out to a
* specific place on campus and plan
to walk directly to and from the
‘place, they need not write ‘*Walk-
ing on Campus’’ on their signouts.
‘‘Walking On Campus’’ need only
be written when students plan to
take-a- stroll.
Before the Self Gov. exam, two
members of the Executive Council
will visit.each-dorm to discuss the
Academic Honor System with
freshmen, This new procedure in
preparation for the Self Gov. Exam
is the direct result of a question-
naire sent to heads of departments
about ‘problems concerning the
U. of P. Requests
Thespian Encore
Rotketsller is alae: presenting
VIRGIN, but this one is, according
to. director Carolyn Meadow, ‘‘a
symbolic fantasy.’’ Rockefeller’s
Stage Manager is Priscilla Rob-
Untitled as yet ig, Pembroke
East’s comedy that takes place
~gntirely-in-a-washfoom: Theaction
centers around 4 little old lady
making a qujlt and ... well, di-
rector Genevieve Atwood promises
a-surprise ending. Her stage man-
ager is Barbara Oppenheif.
The Bryn Mawr-Haverford Col-
lege Theater will play, a return
engagement at the University of
Pennsylvania this year.
Renn has invited College Thea-
ter -to-present-its current.Shakes-~.....
pearean production, ANTONY AND
CLEOPATRA, in Irvi:.e Auditor-
ium on Decémber 4 and 5. Last
year’s performance of’ HAMLET,
invited to Penn after its produc-
tion in Roberts Hall, Haverford,
was an SRO success.
Featured in Antony. and Cleopa-
“tra, to be presented in Goodhart
Nove-13.and-14, are three major” ~._
players from last. year’s produc-
tion: Jane Robbins and Munson”
Hicks in the title roles and Terry
Van Brunt as Pompey.
The agreement—with Penn in-
cludes a guarantee of 75% of the
profits for the Bryn Mawr and
Haverford College Theater groups,
Last year’s share of the profits
for one pertormanes was over
$700, * ves “ :
Director Robert ehwne de-
tunity to ‘‘break the Haverford-
Bryn Mawr mold and expand.,’’
‘¢We’re bringing culture to the city
from the suburbs,’’ he added.
Mr, Butman said he was es-
—scribed the invitation as_an oppor-—
pecially pleased. that Penn was ,
willing to issue the invitation with-
out first seeing the production, ‘1
hope we can build a solid reputa-
“tion: a
‘said. * an Samana
Casting for the production will”
be completed this week, with steady
rehearsals scheduled for Gondhart..
after Junior Show.