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College news, April 29, 1966
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 52, No. 21
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Page 8
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April 29, 1966
A.A.’s Annual ‘Awards Night’
Marks Recognition of Athletes
About 50 people gathered in
Applebee Barn Wednesday night
for a pizza supper, and thereafter
the annual athletic awards were
Awards are’ based on the point
system. For 1,000 points or more,
a person receives a patch with
an owl on it. A BMC pin isawarded
to those who have acquired 2,500
points, and those hard-working
athletes with 4,000 points who have
been on at least two different
varsity teams and one junior var-
sity, receive either a pin or a
Points are given to all Bryn
Mawrters for all of their athletic
abilities, even required gym. One
thousand points may sound im-
possible, but points are awarded
generously and it is amazing how
quickly they add up.
Denton To Head
Alumnae Officers
Of Senior Class
The senior class has electea
“tts officers to direct alurinae ac- ~
tivities in the coming year.
Cabbs Denton is the new Alum-
nae President for the Class of
66. Treasurer for the class is
Sheila Dowling.
Three class collectors, who will
supervise financial contributions
for the almost alumnae, were also
selected. They are Florence Cast-
elle, Tollie Drane, and Pilar
Heather Stillwell is in charge
of organizing the first reunion for
her class, which will be held five
years after graduation.
Editor of the notes that appear
in the Alumnae Bulletin to keep
class members informed of their
fellow graduates’ activities is
Mary Daubenspeck.
The girls who received owl
patches are Anne Alden, Lola At-
wood, Mary Berg, June Boey, Doris
Catlin, Donna Cross, Mary Daub-
enspeck, Doris Dewton, Madeleine
Ewing, Sandy Gilluly, Louise Her-
man, Ann Lie, Alice Leib, Ellen
Nelson, Sue Nosco, Marti Plum-
mer, Penny Sholars, Liz Thatch-
er, Candi Vultaggio, Winifred Wal-
lace and Toby Williams.
Sally Boy, Beth Chadwick, Karen
Flack, Mal Nickerson, Vee Wathen,
Val Winston and Cile Yow were
awarded BMC pins.
Only three people received an
award for 4000 points: Grace Ham-
ilton, Sandy Phillips, and Kitty
June Boey was awarded the Har-
riet G., Gordon Memorial Trophy
for fencing contribution and
sportsmanship. She also was
chosen as the best fencer.-
The best swimmer on the var-
sity is Candi Vultaggio, and Fran
LaBarre is the best J.V. swimmer.
Lola Atwood won the tennis singles
tournament, and Melissa McCarty
came out on the top of the bad-
minton tournament,
Campus Events |
Saturday, May 1
Denbigh takes on the faculty in
the annual May Day baseball game
on the green.
Tuesday, May 3
Poet Daniel G. Hoffman will
read selections from his work,
under the auspices of the English
Department at 4:30 inthe Deanery.
Wednesday, May 4
Professor Theodoré Hetzel of
Haverford will speak in the Inter-
faith Series on ‘‘The Religion of
the American Indian’’ at 7:30 p.m.
in the Common Room, The lecture
will be illustrated,
Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7
College Theatre presents Eugene
O’Neill’s ‘*Long Day’s Journey
into Night,’’ directed by Robert
Butman, in Roberts Hall, Haver-
ford. Tickets are $1,00 and may
be obtained from Haverford at MI
2-7644 or Ann Stehney in Denbigh.
Monday, May 9
Alliance presents Orley Caudill,
a lieutenant colonel in the Air
speaking on the role of
NATO, at 7:30 p.m. intheCommon
Tennis Players Hosting
Inter-Collegiate Tourney
The Middle States Lawn Tennis
Association Inter -Collegiate Tour-
nament for Women will take place
this weekend on the Bryn Mawr
campus tennis courts,
The matches began Wednesday
at 1 p.m. Quarter-finals will be
played Saturday morning at 2 p.m.
On Sunday, finals will start at 1:30.
Eighteen colleges will be repre-
sented, ranging along the. coast
from New England to' Washington,
D.C. and to the west as far as
western Pennsylvania. There are
34 participants including Marilyn
Aschner of Queens College, whois
a nationally ranked player.
Representing Bryn Mawr are
Lola Atwood and Ann Johnson.
They will be attempting to unseat
the defending champion, Jane Hart-
man of Gettysburg.
This tournament is an annual
event at Bryn Mawr and it pro-
vides a chance for both tennis
buffs and spectators to enjoy good
tennis playing.
April 29 - May 1 Intercollegiate
May 3 Tennis at Ursinus
May 4 Lacrosse at Penn
May 7 Kentucky Derby
May 8 Haverford-Bryn Mawr Soft-
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A. A. Events }
Mother’s Day
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