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College news, September 22, 1967
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 54, No. 02
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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_Fridey, September 22,1
Erdman’s family
photo by Grethe Holby
Warden's Family in Erdman
Adjusts to Dormitory Living
Mrs. Kathy Erickson, Erd-
man’s new warden, ( has. only
had time to bee the advantages
of her new job, To make room for
the Erickson family, Erdman added
another bedroom to the warden’s
suite for baby Jonathan, the new
mascot of the dorm.
Ted Erickson, a graduate
student in biology, made all
the proper arrangements for mov-
ing his family into Erdman
with the Deans’ office last spring.
There were two reasons for the
experiment: first, Erdman was
having trouble finding a warden;
Vietnam Summer
(Continued from page 1)
of this demand.
With these difficulties out of
the way, the Main Line Vietnam
Summer project had several suc-
cesses. It collected several hun-
dred signatures on a petition ad-
dressed to CongressmanSchwei-
ker of the 13th District. The
petition asked that Schweiker re-
turn to Montgomery County to hold
open hearings on the war and other
community issues. It stated that
the signees were ‘‘concerned about
the effect the war has on our
domestic programs’’ and about
“the growing loss of American
and Vietnamese lives.’’
A Vietnam Film Series was
shown late in the summer. One,
‘‘Why Vietnam?” was an Army
film, presenting the Administra-
tion position. Bresler describéd
it as being very persuasive to
people who are not aware of some
of the inconsistencies in facts, and
the ‘‘out and out lies.’”’ Also
shown was ‘‘Sons and Daughters,”’
“Good Times, Wonderful Times,”’
and “Time of the Locust.’
The Main Line project was
basically educational in nature.
Its purpose was to inform Main
Liners of its Government’s poli-
cies and actions in more com-
plete terms than they could get
in the American press.
Kit Bakke
"Where the Action is’
Bryn Mowr Mall
(Next to Station)
€nd FRET
‘Tonight Thru Saturday
second, the idea of having
a married couple living in a
dorm full of girls, against in-.
numerable rules, interested
The Ericksons have adjusted
to dorm life with no trouble, They
eat lunch in their suite, but use
the dorm dining room for break-
fast and dinner. Asked whether
her husband felt strange sur-
rounded by hordes of girls,
Mrs. Erickson replied, ‘‘Oh, he
doesn’t mind. He’s used to girls--
‘the used to teach home economics
at Drexel. But sometimes he does
seem to be overwhelmed.”
Jonathan, though he may
think the world is made up of
Erdman and its girls, has proved
to be anything but trouble. He
does not wake anyone up in the
middle of the night, and Erdman’s
lobby is perfect for running around
in. . :
_ Mrs. Erickson: has many
uses in mind for her. husband:
‘Its always good to have a man’s ~
point of: view. Besides, he can
fix the plumbing, if it’s some-
thing simple, and lift heavy
things. If anyone should get strand-.
ed somewhere late at night,
he could even take the car and
pick her up.’’
The actual wxréenise duties
at. Erdman have been very easy.
Mrs. Bosler, the house manager,
has been very helpful, and all
the girls have been responsible
and independent.
If Erdman’s family of war-
dens is a. success, other
students may suddenly find a
man eating breakfast in their din-
— Sue Lautin
~ Formerly ‘Alt-female Dormitory
infiltrated by Male Graduates
“‘The Magnificent Seyen’? is now
playing at the graduate center re-
sident hall, Seven male graduate
“students ranging in age from
twenty two to thirty have establish-
ed living quarters in the tradition-
ally all-female dormitory of the
Bryn Mawr College Graduate
Edward Gardner, Arthur Hil-
scher, Gerard Innocenti, Charles
McFadden, Roger Paas and Alan
Rosen, all Americans, and Filipino
David Fredegusto have stepped up
male service in the grad, center
dorm, Within the group, the men
are working toward both M,A, and
Ph.D, degrees in fields including
psychology, physics, German,
medieval history, medieval phil-
osophy and English,
Boasting homes in New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the
Phillipine Islands, these seven have
completed their undergraduate
studies at the University of Penn-
sylvania, Rutgers University, Du-
quesne University, and Dickinson,
Hamilton, and St, Joseph’s Col-
The primary factor influencing
these men to select Bryn Mawr as
the focal point of their graduate
studies is the general preference
among them for a small, but in-
tense, center of intellectual ex-
Edward Gardner, a third year
graduate student and the only one
of the seven not in his initial year
at BMC, added two supplementary
reasons for his choosing Bryn
Mawr: ‘*I am an amateur figure
skater and in addition, to a small
school, I also wanted a location in
which I could work toward compe-
titive skating, Proximity to
facilities for experimental nuclear
physics was also very important,’’
David Fredegusto had been ad-
vised by an American missionary
in his native country to find an
outstanding, but small, graduate
school: -‘‘I was told that I would
be lost in a big school .like the
University of California and that
my educational opportunities would
be far greater at a small insti-
tution, Already I think that Iwas.
advised wisely,’? David comment-
ed, He also remarked, ‘‘I select-
ed Bryn Mawr mainly because Iwas
impressed by the way the catalog
was written, The English was
different and more appealing than
that used in the bulletins of the
Western schools like Stanford, I
wanted to be in the area of the
University of Pennsylvania and so
I chose Bryn Mawr,?’
In general, the men seemed non-
com mital about the new co-eddorm
system, but none of them make
any suggestion to alter it, The
ratio of men to women stands at
approximately one to five, but the
male students emphatically de-
clared that they were not being
distracted from their studies, At
that point, however, classes had
been existent for less than twenty
four hours,
Influenced by a foreign back-
ground, David was ‘‘amazed’ at
the co-ed residential structure.
“Tt is, *? he indicated, ‘‘very na-
tural even though I am not
accustomed to it, Soon we will
be like brothers and sisters,’’
Under a separate self-govern-
ment system, the graduate hall
appears unaffected by the presence
of men in that unlimited room
privileges are provided and beer
and wine may be consumed in the -
individual rooms,
Dorm elections Monday night
supported the theory of the domi-
nant male, The thirty-eight women
residents outbalance the numeri-
cally deficient ‘‘Magnificent Sev-
en’’, but the men took four of the
seven hall offices, Roger Paas
and Martha White share executive
responsibilities in a co-ed co-
chairmanship established in lieu
of the usual president-vice-presi-
dent set-ap,.
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Bryn Mawr
This is where the Bryn Mawr Trust ad was supposed to
tun. Instead the NEWS takes this space to urge its
readers to write a letter to the president of the bank
objecting to the bank’s treatment of the Main Line
Vietnam Summer project and to withdraw their ac-
Attempts at expanding co-ed
activities at the. graduate center‘
include a co-ed social chairman-
ship, Plans are underway for ¢o-
ed softball, volleyball and field |
hockey, In true Bryn Mawr tragli-
tion, a mixer has also been ‘slated,
But how do the women seem to
respond? Alan Rosen summed up
the reactions he has-felt from the
women toward the novel living
arrangement, and in the tone ofhis
comment he revealed a commit-
ment to do something about the
Situation, ‘‘Théey regard us with
violent indifference,’’ he quipped,
Cathy Hoskins
Coleman. ...
(Continued from page | )
bomb’s future uses,
Coléman meets once a month.
with Miss McBride and Presi-
dent Smith of Swarthmore, They
discuss problems and issues of
common interest, Although the
effect of the Haverford social _
honor system on Bryn Mawr is
obviously a topic of mutual inter-
est, Coleman declined to comment
on either Bryn Mawr or Hav-
erford’s role until the trial per-
iod was over at Haverford,
Coleman received his BA de-
gree from the University of Tor-
He is a former dean at Car-
negie Institute of Technology, He
is nationally known in the field
of labor relations and economics,
and has written several books,
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