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College news, May 7, 1952
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 38, No. 24
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
Do You Have A Home to Share? five tes puszoee What to Do
Box W-242
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pa.
April 28, 1952
To the Editor:
On campus, world peace and
Europe may seem far off, but per-
haps there are some students who
would like to see for themselves
how they may have an intimate
knowledge about both right in
their own homes this summer.
The U. S. State Department is
sending many European students
to this country and has asked The
Experiment in International Liv
ing to place these students in
American homes for a month piro2
to their college year.
One of these groups of ten stu-
dents will live in homes in the
eastern Delaware County area for
the month of August; and as
Community Representative’ of the
Experiment I am interested in
contacting those students on your
campus who ‘would like to “go
abroad” in their own homes.
‘Last year we were hosts to five
Austrian boys and five girls from
that country. All of the host fam-
ilies thoroughly enjoyed this ex-
perience, and, incidentally, three
of the student hosts are planning
to visit Austrian families of these
students this summer,
Of course, host families receive
no financial remuneration, but the
experience of learning about an-
other country through these stu-
dents, and also, of seeing our own
country through their eyes more
than repays host families. ©
If there are any students at
Bryn Mawr College who will be
at home this summer and are in-
terested in The Experiment in In-
ternational Living, they may con-
tact me at Bucknell University or
at home.
I would certainly appreciate it
if you could publish this letter or
an article about the Hospitality
Program of The Experiment. In-
cidentally, more than 400 Ameri-
cans each summer have an oppor-
tunity of living in European fam-
ilies under the same set-up.
Thank you for your cooperation
in this endeavor.
Home address: 1200 Edmonds
Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa.
Continued from Page 1 |
about the Junior Year Abroad, the
french House, Latin America and
the Good Neighbor,
Plato and Dante.
guage major remains vague, Rus-
Cicero and
Only one lan-
sian, which has neither a Junior
Year nor an Aristotle.» So we add:
The purpose of the Russian major
is to give a girl a command of the
colloquial language in case she is
vver caught on the steppes. Sne
will also read in the original
about the famous Russian soul,
which perhaps never existed and
was officially abolished in 1917.
There will be no more issues
of the COLLEGE NEWS until
the day of Commencement, June
3. The final NEWS will an-
nounce Senior award winners
and last minute Graduation
news. Watch for its arrival in
the halls!
School address: Box W-242
Bucknell University, Lewisburg
Very ‘sincerely,
Eleanor J. Welsh
For Next. Year:
Assistant in the College Book
Shop beginning next September.
Mosily bills but formal training in |
Sal- |
bookkeeping not necessary.
ary to be arranged with Mrs.
The Institute of Mathematics
and Mechanics of New York Uni-
versity. Secretary for typing math-
ematical manuscripts, taking difii-
cult dictation, and editing letters.
Opportunity of taking a graduate
course. Salary not stated. See
Mrs. Crenshaw.
Odd Jobs Open Now:
See Mrs. Sullivan.
Sales Agent for terry cloth and
poncho. ' Liberal commission.
Sales Agent for The New York-
er for next year. $.75 commission
for $4.75 student subscription.
Summer Jobs: See Mrs. Sullivan.
American Telephone and Tele-
graph Company in New York. Of-
fice work in connection with a new
bond issue. One-and-a-half or two
months. Five-day week. Several
hundred employees needed. Salary
not stated.
Real Estate Office in Haverford.
Secretary for the whole summer
or the month of August only. Sim-
ple shorthand, typing. $30 a week.
'of three.
Air-conditioned office. See Mrs.
Sullivan before Thursday of this
' week.
The Marine Corps announces that
May 15th is the last date to apply
for the Officers’ Training Class to
be given at Quantico, Virginia, be-
ginning June 14th. The notice is
posted outside of Room F in Tay-
Family Jobs: still open:
Litchfield, Connecticut. Cooking
and general housework for family
$100 a month. Whole
Martha’s Vineyard. Companion
for six girls—aged 14, 13, 12, 7,
6, and 4. $25 a week. Month of
August .
Black Point, Connecticut—on the
Sound. Companion to elderly wo-
man. Must be licensed driver. Du-
ties light. $100 a month. Whole
Conshohocken with two weeks
on Cape Cod. Companion to three
children, 7, 4, and 2. Room with
orivate bath. Swimming pool and
tennis courts. $25 a week. Juiy
and August.
Windsor, Vermont. Care of child-
ren and some housework. June
26th to July 6th, three children;
August 11th to August 25th, four
children. $25 a week.
@ Mike's Un
with an extraordinarily good taste
*From the Report of a Well-Known Research Organization
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