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College news, June 2, 1937
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
8 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 23, No. 26
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
‘ re s i)
‘ é : 1
A bia af
‘ go ae ws ‘
et a — : ss =~ git diee 3
1929-30; Substittte Instructor in Math- , ’ ; ‘ ; ;
Elizabeth Lyle Wins Sivation, “Makter! elas, . SoRecaE: fi i Bios Harper’s Announces Contest Miss Meigs Judges Contest
° Teacher of Mathematics, Bryant High j . : . j . ‘ ‘ =
European Fellowship School, Long Island City, New York, The Glee Club takes pleasure Of interest to wordless Vogue en-| Miss Cornelia Meigs, of the Eng |
y 1931-35; Fellow in, Mathematics, Bryn in announcing the election of trants and to campus camera-women: lish Department was one of the judges. f
Sucre Sev Mawr College, 1935-36 and Scholar in : " : : :
Continued from Page Seven | -:Reebidcablon AAR Oe. eatin Helen Shepard ’88 as president. Harper’s Bazaar has announced a Col-;in a high school essay contest. -The
versity 1933-34; Assistant, Rare Book The Measure of, Transitive Geodesics lege Fashion Photographie Contest for | essays were written on the Constitu-
Department, Boston’ Public. Library, on Certain Three-dimensional Mani- : a : Ne : . ae ve .
1936—. Dissertation: John Bale: Con- folds. ¥ ree pb gen et ti of ne the best pictures showing the fashion|tion. . es
‘ ; ‘ . fe. CC 8 §& rces a ‘
troversialist, Antiquarian, Dramatist. Presented by Professor Gustav Ar Ball inaeatcl . Commusin -dariie trends on campus. Any student may
_ Presented by Professor .Samuel C. nold Hedlund the Period 1929-1932.
submit as many -snapshots as she Candid Cameras are offered.
Mildred | wishes of typical college scenes—week-
end, dance, sports, or classroom.
The most interesting picture from
Subjects, American History and. Euro-
pean History:
Subjects, Physics and Mathematics:
Mawr, Pennsylvania
College 1929; M.A. Co-
Présented by Professor
Subjects, Social Economy~and Sociol-
The minimum size for pictures is
2% by 3% inches. Entry forms must
JOAN Mary VASSIE FOSTER a A.B. Hunter : -,|be mailed immediately, but th yn-
B k lumbia University 1931. Instructor in ogy the fashion and the photographic Jae the con
Rothesay, New Bruriswick, Can-| physics, Hunter College 1929 to Feb-| LESLIE ALICE KopmPex of Hermosa|@ngle will be published in the college|test does, not close until June 18, \
ada ruary 1932; Demonstrator in Physics
B.A. McGill University 1923 and M.A.
1925; B.A. Oxford University 1927: and
M.A. 1931. Assistant to the Warden,
Royal Victoria College, McGill Uni-
versity, 1923-25; Librarian and-Assist-
ant to the Warden, Royal Victoria
College and Assistant in the Depart-
ment of History,’ McGill University,
1927-29;. Principal and History Spe-
cialist, Riverbend School for Girls,
Winnipeg, Canada, 1929-34; Graduate
Student in’ History, Bryn Mawr. Col-
lege 1934-35 and Fellow in History
1935-36. Dissertation: Reciprocity in
Canadian Politics from the Commer-
and Graduate Student, Bryn Mawr
College, 1932-35; Instructor in Physics,
summer sessions, Hunter College, 1935
and 1936; Instructor in Physics, Bryn
Mawr College, 1936-37. Dissertation:
Heat Losses from a Nickel Wire, ‘
Presented by Professor Walter C.
Subjects, Social Economy, Social The-
ory and Education:
ELIzABETH Ross FOLEY of Hamil-
ton, New York
A.B. Oberlin College 1929; M.A. Bryn
Beach, California
A.B. University of California 1929.
Graduate Student, University of Cali-
fornia, 1929-30;' Carola Woerishoffer
Fellow in Social Economy and Social
Research, Bryn Mawr Collége, 1930-
31 and Grace H. Dodge Fellow, 1931-
32; Research Assistant, Carola Woer-
ishoffer Graduate Department and
Graduate Student, Bryn Mawr Col-
lege, 1932-34; Research Assistant, Of-
fice of Specialist in Workers’ .Educa-
tion, Federal Emergency Relief Ad-
ministration, Washington, D. C., 1934;
Junior Social. Economist, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, U..S. Department of
fashion issue (August) of Harper’s.
Prizes of Kodak Bantam and Vollenda from: Doris Turner, Rockefeller.
'Further information may be obtained
———— ==
mmr no |
for tennis and cruising,
: $10.50 -
Genuine white erie.
thin crepe rubber soles.
cial Union Movement to 1910. Mawr College 1930; Carola Woerishof- Labor,. 1934-35: Assi
re , wl beh pate & , 1934-35; ssistant, Summer
Presented by Professor William fer Scholar in Social Economy. and School for Women Workers in Indus- Small- looking, delig ehtfully 7 A ;
: . Social Research, Bryn Mawr College, try, Bryn Mawr College, 1936; Instruc-
_ Roy Smith 1929-30, Carola Woerishoffet Fellow in| tor in’ Sociology, Skidmore College, light, cool and flexible.
Subjects, American,History, European Social Economy and Social Research, 1936—. Dissertation: Measurement of j
1930-81 and Grace H. Dodge Fellow
in Social Economy and Social Re-
search; 1931-32; Fanny Bullock Work-
History and Economics:
Changes in
During the
the Standard. of Living
Depression: A Study of
Families in a Small ‘Indus-
Ss oa
Vernon, British Columbia, Can- man European Fellow studying in trial Community. *
ongland, 1932-33; Director of Girls’ ‘
ada : : Work, Union Settlement, ‘New York Presented by Professor Mildred 1606 Chestnut St. Phila.
B.A. University of British Columbia City, 1935-37. . Dissertation: Leisure Fairchild
1929. Teacher’s Training Certificate om
1930 and M.A. 1931. Holder of a Ca-| =
nadian Pioneer Problems Committee
Scholarship, University. of British Co-
lumbia, 1980-31; Fellow in History,
Bryn Mawr College, 1931-32, Scholar :
in History and Fellow by courtesy oo eh a “if
1932-33 and 1936-37; Teaching -Assist- ae
ant in History, UniveYsity of Briti ee 4
Columbia, 1934-36; Ho : : ;
negie ‘Scholarship for Gra
Summer 1935. Dissertation: The Re-
lations Between British Columbia and
the Dominion of Canada, 1871-1885.
Presented by Professor William
Roy Smith
Subjects, European History, American
History and Politics:
ISABEL Ross ABBOTT of Providence,
Rhode Island
A.B. Brown University 1922 and M.A. %
1923. Fellow in History, Bryn= Mawr
College 1925-26 and Scholar in His-
tory, 1926-27; Boston Alumnae Fellow
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women, University of London,
1927-28; Graduate Student and Assist-
ant in History, University of Minne-
sota; 1928-29; Instructor in History,
Rockford College, 1929-35 and Assist-
ant Professor 1935—. Dissertation:
English Finance in the Early Years
of Henry IV, 1399-1402.
Presented by Professor Howard L.
Subjects, European History and Poli-
Washington, District of Colum-
A.B. Smith Collége~ 1924 and M.A.
Bryn Mawr College 1930. Teacher of
History, Easthampton, New. York, e
1924-26 and Rome, New York, 1926-27;
Teacher in the Phebe Anna Thorne
School and Graduate Student, Bryn
- Mawr College, 1927-29 and Fellow in
s History 1929-30; Student, University
of Berlin, 1930-31; Instructor in Mod- |
ern European History, Mount Holyoke
College, 1931-32; Graduate Student,
University of Chicago, 1932-34. Dis-
sertation: Party Politics and Public
Opinion in’ Germany, 1890-1902; a+
Study in Anglo-German pt \
Presented by Professor HowarcN.
Subjects, European History and Am-
erican History:
dolph, Wisconsin _.
A.B. Lawrence College 1930; M.A.
University of Minnesota 1932; Teach-
\ing” Assistant in’ the Department of “
History, University of . Minnesota,
1930-32; Fellow in History, Bryn Mawr
College, 1933-34 and Graduate Scholar
in History, 1934-35; Teacher of His-
tory, The Barstow School, Kansas
City, Missouri, 1935-36; Graduate Stu-
dent in History, Bryn Mawr College;
1936-37. Dissertation: English Par-
ticipation in the Crusades, 1150-1220,
Presented _by -Professor Charles
Wendell ‘David
Subjects, Latin and Greek:
Cleveland, Ohio
A.B. Flora Stone Mather College,
Western Reserve University 1933 and
M.A. Western Reserve University 1934,
Graduate Scholar in Latin, Bryn Mawr
College, 1934-37. Dissertation: The
Pattern of Sound in Lucretius: '
Presented by Rreteawer Ady Ross
Subject, Mathematics:
~ of Rockville Centre,.New. York
B.A. Dalhousie College 1925. Teacher,
St. Hilda’s School, Calgary, Alberta,
= a
Because they n re | ander .. because they
taste better... because they give smokers
MORE PLEASURE ... Chesterfields are satis-
fying millions of smokers, men and women,
in all the four corners of the earth.
Often a cigarette wins popularity
in a small part of the country...
a few cigarettes become known all
- over the country.
But you will -find Chesterfields
wherever cigarettes are sold in the. - : a . Me > e/
4 Canada, 1926-27; Teacher, Kemper. : :
, Hall, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 1927-2); : . United States and on bo 1 all the
‘Miss Fine’s ey tas gs eit ed hi £ a: id :
J , 1929-31; T ero emat- sets
ice, Miss Wright's School, Bryn Mawr, great ships of the world... under
1932-34; Graduate Student in Mathe-
matics, Bryn Mawr College, 1931-34.
Graduate | Scholar in ,Mathematics,
1935-36 and Fellow in Mathematics, *
1936-37... Dissertation: _ Asymptotic] _
. Transitivity on Surfaces of Variable] ,
29 flags and wherever they touch... ——_ |
and for good reasons, ~
a ke antes ee ge eee Chesterfield will ‘give you fis |) 4
ics a. more pleasure... They Satisfy ok as
. AB Hunter College 1929; M.A. Bryn| , 4 ; | |
_ in BiematieBen aw College, | Const 1937, ‘Lacarrr & Myans Tonacco, Co. : : ee | ss | ‘ e |