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College news, May 3, 1936
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College (creator)
18 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 22, No. 23
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
¢ = ;
How iobehappy
Being a Junior Miss isn't a matter of size—it's really a state of mind! It's
being young, and gay, and vivid in all kinds of new ways that the staid old
world around you hasn't thought.of yet! It's the way you wear your clothes,
and where you wear them, and-with whom—it's stepping lightly instead of
treading solemnly, no matter what the occasion! :
‘We've watched you on the campus, in town,
chattering away at lunch, a bit more formal
at teas and parties, dancing on light feet—
we've watched you, and listened to you pretty
shamelessly—for the express purpose of
gathering for you in one snug little shop
the clothes you told each other you needed.
~~We're not going to be a bit more solemn about this
‘than you are about things—but we want you to
know that we know what you want...and we've got it
here for you! In other words, the first stop on the
road to popularity is on the First Floor, at
Wanamaker's, in the gayly complete Junior Miss Salon.
Here's what you'll find: simply dozens of
individual and different prints—jacket types
and little suits for town or travel (remember,
week-—ends are pretty important) and divine
short-sleeved button—down-—the—front types
blooming all over with eccentric flowers.
Dark, stark, smart sheers, spiced with dazzling
white (remember any man from seventeen to seventy
prefers something dark with ''white around your
neck'')—or prettied up with alluring baby pink,
or baby blue—probably of crisp pique.
Romantic Chiffons—and you'll have them for
days as well as evenings, if you've kept an
eye on what's what in fashion. Big, splashy,
sprawling prints or neat, prim designs—
they're both here, in absolutely the very
newest versions. See yourself in one or two,
you'll get an idea of why a floating wisp of
chiffon may be more effective in winning your
way in the world than a brain that really works!
Don't fail to see the Powder Puff Muslins (for that
demure Nell Gwyn effect) in soft, simply rhapsodi-
cal colorings and patterns; the dimities that
manage to do two things for you—keep you cool
and make a slightly quaint look the most desirable
thing in the world; and the batiste frocks that
will see you in practical comfort through a very
smart summer! 3
Well, time's almost up! And we haven't said a word about the new ' ‘'air—spun''
‘linens, or the nubby, rough-looking peasant linens, the new culottes that
everybody's going. to ''take tp'' within the next five minutes probably, or
the angelic-looking organdies, or the jackets and skirts that you can buy to
match or contrast. There's only one thing to do —come and see for yourself!
_ though a Junior Miss
in the Merry Month of May!