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College news, November 21, 1918
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 05, No. 08
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914)--
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
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the Freshman forwards showing speed,
but scoring only once, when A. Nicol,
right wing, drove. the ball home. The
half ended with a score of 1-0 in favor of
In the second, the green team took the
initiative, and carried the ball again and
again into the Freshman circle, only to
crumple before an almost impregnable de-
fense. After a prolonged scrap in front
of the cage, when G. Rhoads, Freshman
goalkeeper, blocked shot after shot, M.
France scored the first point for the
Seniors, M. Tyler '19 pushed the ball
across the line for the next, and in the
last two minutes of play G. Hearne,
Senior center forward, shot in another
with a smashing blow directly before the
Just before the last whistle F. Robbins
'22 carried the ball down the field for a
final tally by M. Anderson, leaving the
score at 3-2.
1919 1922
H. Johnson...... Me Wiccan *A. Niéoll
A BOS ccs... REL... OR Anderson
@. Hearne (c.)*.. C.F. oii M. Tyler
My BTONOO 6 acess a Eee F. Robbins
MM. Tyr ese es Be Wie cc ves A. Orbison
FP. Clarke. ....... Re baked H. Guthrie
B. Biddie........ Oe osiiis sa P. Smith
B. Lanier ........ LHe ees M. Krech
BH. Hurlock....... R. F. ..E. Donohue (c.)
Wh cs EA Oe ols ccs pas 00s R. Neel
BD, WetmOr neces Re ivan es G. Rhoads
Substitutes—-1922: First half, O. How-
ard for F. Robbins; second half, F. Rob-
bins for O. Howard.
Referee—Miss Applebee.
Time of halves—20 min.
Senior First Team Reaches Finals
1920 Meets Defeat in Splendid Game
The speediest game of the hockey sea-
son was played last Thursday when 1919
eliminated their old rivals, 1920, from the
preliminaries by a score of 6-4. Although
a trifle wild at the beginning the game de-
veloped into a hotly contested and bril-
liant match.
1919’s forwards, especially G. Hearne
and M. Tyler, did unusually dashing and
speedy work. With the exception of E.
Biddle, who played her usual dependable
game at center half, and E. Lanier, the
green defense was negligible, but once
the forwards got the ball they made up
for backfield deficiencies.
On the Junior team there was rather
less teamwork, and more individual stars.
K. Cauldwell at left full covered the en-|°
tire back field, and M. Carey and B.
Weaver played up well against the superb
Senior offensive. D. Rogers, M. Mall, and
H. Zinsser showed good form, but lacked
the hammering perseverance necessary
to win.
1919 1920
Ws BM eaves Bi WES see esae H. Zinsger
OO. 6cks ces L.I. ......*H. Holmes
G. Hearne (c.)°*... C.F... 6305 *D. Rogers
i DE oes ess Maa fecasece L. Sloane
H. Johnson*..... Me asia **M. Mall
ae L. H. ..E. Luetkemeyer
i eae... «5. CG. Ho. .....: ME. Carey (c.)
D. Peters........ Bi ckceess B. Weaver
M. Thurman...... Boe vis K. Cauldwell
E. Hurlock........ R.F. ......A. Moebius
PY were eS acta cans D. Clark
Substitutes—1919: H. Reid for H.
Referee—Miss Applebee.
Time of halves—20 min.
1921 1922
D. McBride...... Le Wee foc *A. Nicoll
+M, Smith*....... La Fe usu. E. Anderson
L. Beckwith...... C.F O. Howard
HE. JOMOS.. 5... R.I. .,.....*F. Robbins
a re BW cosas *A. Orbison
meeeend..... LB. A. Guthrie
me eengeee..... CH oo. P. Smith
mm, werren (c,..;: RIB. ......5. M. Kreck
Bi POPIOP oes. es TE. beenevasen R. Noel
BTA. o.oo. R.F. ..E. Donohue (c.)
K. Woodward..... 5s G. Rhoads
as center half, put up a
t, both offensive and defensive,
gE Seal showed herself a reliable
right wing.
2S Donohue, using her stick expertly,
Played right fullback fairly far up the
field, strongly supported by her half. H.
Guthrie, and the forwards, especially A.
Nicoll, who picked up the passes quickly,
and A. Orbison and F. Robbins, who made
several telling dribbles down the field.
Semi-darkness slowed down an other-
wise speedy game in the last few minutes
of the second half.
Substitutes—1921: E. Newell for M.
Kirkland; 1922: M. Crosby* for F. Rob-
Referee—Miss Applebee.
Time of halves—35 min.
Individual rather than team-play won
1921 the first game of the Second team
finals from 1920, last Tuesday, by a score
of 2-1.
E. Cope ’21, left full, and B. Ferguson
'21, right half, held ’20’s somewhat broken
line at bay during most of the game. M.
Hardy ’20, left inside, fought hard to
carry the recovered ball down the field
and succeeded in making the Juniors’
only goal.
Reds Take Rough Game By Score of 3-1
In a rough game last Thursday 1921's
Second team put the Freshmen out of the
preliminaries by defeating them 3-1 in
the second game of the series.
The playing of E. Newell and H. James
for the red was the most conspicuous of
the match. Several sharp scrimmages
around the red goal ended the game with
more snap than it had begun.
Line-up: nents. For ’19 D. Peters and M. Moseley
1920 1921 fought hard, and achieved most.
N. Gookin...... 1 a ee *H.James| Line-up:
G. Hess... ....... Bek hshaa ees *K. Mottu} 1919 1920
M. K. CRG inc os 0 05 Cyd... veer Be ie. cw... N. Gookin
Me eee sc. Tad, kiss R. Marshall | M. Moseley**..... R.I. ........M.K. Cary
ER cs ie la We oes cee E.wegta tha... C.F. .**E. Stevens (c.)
M. Kinard....... R.H. ..... B. Ferguson | §, Macdonald..... L.I. ....... **T. James
H. Kingsbury... C.H. ........E. Newell/ y, Coombs....... BW. vices V. Park
M. Train........, L.H. ......+. E. Goggin | F. Howell........ BM. cc M. Kinard
L. Kellogg. ...... R.F. .... .-E. Cope |p Peters........ C.H. ....H. Kingsbury
ME, BOWE. 68 occ re M. Foot] 7 Peabody,..... ee *M. Train
we, WIKRE... +» Gs senssecest ————] A. Thorndike... . . . Oe csite B. Williams
Substitutes—1920: 1. Arnold ‘21 for H.)p pay........... BP s..46 L. Kellogg
Kingsbury. C. Hollis (c.)..... L.F. .....M. R. Brown
| seniors down to defeat in thelr frst en-
: counter last Wednesday by a score of 4-3. |'
The blue team took the offensive from the |’
beginning and kept it throughout the first
half, scoring 2 goals to '19’s 0.
In the second half the Seniors rallied.
A. Blue, center forward, took the ball
down and made two goals in quick suc-
cession, followed by a third goal for 19
made by I. Coombs. L. Kellogg, fullback,
and E. Williams, goal, showed up well in
’20’s defense. Their hard strokes, resisted
by '19’s halfbacks, kept the ball moving
from one end of the field to the other till
the Junior forward line took the ball out
of the greens’ hands and cancelled '19’s
lead by sweeping it twice more into the
1919 1920
H, Ret... 55555 BO oii N. Gookin
BM: Chagvourne... B.1...: ...<.. M. K. Cary
AM, Bie kes ec C.F. .**E. Stevens (c.)
BE. Macdonald..... L.I. ........¢¢T. James
V. Coomba*®......: BW. oii V. Park
DD. Peters. . 0563, Po icues M. Kinard
A. Landon....... C.H. ....H. Kingsbury
J. Peabody....... WARE Noe cs eeu M. Train
We si he kicce Me cise, L. Kellogg
C, Hollis (c.)-. ..... BA Riss veces M. Brown
A. Thorndike...... Ce ass E. Williams
Substitute—1920: G. Hess for M. Cary.
Referee—Miss Hammer.
- Time of halves—15 min.
Second Game: 5-2 for 1920
1920's second team gained their second
victory. over 1919 last Friday, 5-2, winning
the right to face 1921 in the finals.
Throughout the game the playing was un-
even, the Senior defense, with the excep-
tion of D. Peters at center half, being ut-
terly unable to check the blue forwards in
their onward sweep.
Captain Stevens, V. Park, M. Train,
T. James, and H. Kingsbury did a large
share of 1920’s work. Usually on the of-
fensive they played all around their oppo-
Substitutes—1919: A. Collins for F.
Howell, S. Taylor for A. Collins, R. Ham-
ilton for F. Day; 1920: A. Rood for M.
Referee-—-Miss Hammer.
Time of halves—15 min.
urday in wie. ‘Varsity ‘defeated ‘ban
downe by a 6-0 score. M. Morgan ex-’15
captained the Lansdowne team.
A disorganized forward line, shooting |
wild and too far ahead, was mainly re-
sponsible for the visitors’ defeat. Their
defense within the circle was excellent, -
but their fullbacks played so far behind
their halves that the field was usually
clear from one 25-yard line to the other
for Varsity’s assaults. Added to this the
fact that B. Weaver '20, Varsity right
half, played back, covering Lansdowne’s
swift left wing, while E. Donohue '22, at
full, passed directly to the forwards,
made for quick advances by the home
For Lansdowne, J. Katzenstein '06
played her usual quick game at left in-
side, and A. Bergen, an All-Philadelphia
player, male many good long shots at
center half.
G. Hearne '19, D. Rogers '20 and M.
Scott '19 dribbled and passed fairly well
for Varsity, and E. Donohue '22 showed
her usual headwork and omnipresence in
the backfield. A spectacular play oc-
curred in the second half when M. Tyler
‘19, after losing the ball twice in the cir-
cle, recovered it and made a goal from a
particularly sharp angle. As goal, D.
Clark '20 made one fine stop the only time
her line was seriously threatened.
Lansdowne Varsity
P. Wheeler....... L. W.**M. Tyler '19 (c.)
J. Katzenstein.... L.I. ......M. France’l9
A. Wallace....... C.F. ....*D, Rogers '20
Te POOR vices. R. 1... +. af, Nigel) "32
M. McMahon..,... R. W. ..**G. Hearne '19
BPO occ cies Lie ides E. Biddle '19
A Pere... ..... Oe cic iss M. Carey '20
K. McLean..:.... R. H. ..B. Weaver '20
Mrs. Donnelly.... L.F. .....K. Cauldwell
A. Maroy... . 6... R. F, ...E. Donohue '22
Mrs: Tuttle.....:;.. MP occ cs D. Clark '20
Substitutes—-Lansdowne: M. Morgan
(c.) for P. Wheeler, M. Morgan (c.) for
E. Weil; Varsity: F. Robbins ’22 for M.
France '19, *M. Scott '19 for A. Nicoll ‘22,
H. Guthrie '22 for E. Biddle ‘19, F. Clarke
"19 for H. Guthrie ’22.
Referee—Miss Applebee.
Time of halves—30 min.
Lansdowne took the place of Haddon-
field, which had been scheduled to face
Varsity last Saturday, but were unable
to keep the engagement.
The Graduate eleven swept 1920’s sec-
ond hockey team off their feet last Satur-
day morning, gaining a decisive victory
with a score of 8 to 3. Miss Feder, grad-
uate athletic manager, starred for her
team, making three of the Graduate
What matter how balls roll?
We do not seek the goal,
To be upon the field makes us content;
We never strive to play
That we may win some day.
Such paltry aim belies our noble bent.
Where’er upon the field
Our hockey sticks we wield,
We never truly try the ball to hit;
*Tis not for love of art,
But merely to take part
In hockey that we follow after it.
We love trie noble game,
It seems to us a shame
To mar the joy of running o’er the
By care for sticks or fouls,
Or heed of coach’s howls,
Or even thought of how the score be
We seek essential things!
Our spirits can take wings
And after the Ideal Playing soar,
Where spirit forwards race
Through fields of empty space,
Forever heedless of the ball and score.
Then céase, oh coach, to chide!
Our faults we do not hide,
But boldly make parade of every sin;
Like all the good and wise
We thus philosophisze—
We play to play, but never play to win.
1921 1922
Oe gg i veess BW: ....::. 4.268
OW. oni «ss EE ree A. Dunn
F. Billstein**..... C.F. ........0. Howard
B. Marshall....... eo a ike cae J. Burges
OE. 5 ons ees Bee scence *M. Crosby
B. Ferguson...... ee bic wes M. Kennard
B. Newell........ OO, kxkanctces F. Bliss
K. Walker. ...... ee ge L. Grimm
BE cc acess m3... C. Cameron
M. Goggin.. ... cpa Akane enee J. Palache
NC i kines a. . ..V. Liddell
Substitute—1922: B. Murless for L.
D. E. P. '20
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