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College news, March 8, 1922
Bryn Mawr College student newspaper. Merged with Haverford News, News (Bryn Mawr College); Published weekly (except holidays) during academic year.
Bryn Mawr College
6 pages
digitized microfilm
North and Central America--United States--Pennsylvania--Montgomery--Bryn Mawr
Vol. 08, No. 16
College news (Bryn Mawr College : 1914) --
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation.
The exchange shelf in the New Book
Room is a new institution. It is under the
“new. book” section and contains exchanges
from some dozen colleges and universities,
among them Haverford, Yale, Smith,
®Wellesle} and the University of Minnesota.
-A Book of Women’s Versen by J. i
Squire, is a rather modest volume in. the
Oxford edition, containing «all that Mr.
Squire’. considers “meritoriéus”. in the
“moderns” and “in the earlier portion of
the work some poems put in merely as cu-
riosities or because they are the best rep-|:
resentatives of. their time that can be
found.” The Bronte sisters, Elizatieth
Browhing and Christina Rossetti, are in-
cluded in the earlier writers; Alice Mey-
nell, Moira O’Neill and_ ae Macaulay in
- the later.
The Secret Battle is by A. P. Herbert,
who came to Bryn Mawr with Mr. Squire
last fall. It is far removed from Mr. Her-
bert’s usual humorous style and, like The
Three Soldiers, a partial vindication of a
soldier who was court-martialed and shot.
Harry Penrose begins a romantic, he loses
this first and then by an invidious combina-
tion of circumstances his nerve and at last
his spirit. The Secret Battle is a story of
the machinery by which “my friend Harry
was shot for cowardice, and he was one of
the bravest men I have ever known.”
Whistler Journal, by E. N. and J. Pen-
nell, is a story of Whistler’s life-and work
by the authors of avery successful
Whistler biography; the Journal contains
over 150 illustrations.
Jungle Peace and The Edge of the. Jun-
gle, by William Beebe, “are collections of
Mr. Beebe’s most recent essays; the first is
especially interesting for an introduction by
former President Roosevelt.
Specially Contributed
Something more is to be~sacrificed on
the altar of commercialism! There is a
movement now on foot to revise the’ cal-
endar, making, instead of twelve unequal
months, thirteen months of twenty-eight
days each. Are’ we not commercialized
- enough already without taking away from
us the joy of repeating, “Thirty days has
September, April; June and November?”
“In. the new calendar. months would have
no originality. : Imagine, for instance,
capricious April and golden September, re-
duced to the same level as bleak,’ midyear-
bringing February! Think of glorious June
with only..twenty-eight--days!~ And ~“con-
sider, above all, the horror of beginning
every month om a Monday! -Monday is
"bad enough,’ why must we start every
month in every year on a “Blue Monday’?
Madame Curie has recently been elected
as a member of a French Academy. She
is the first woman in France to receive
this honor. ’
A convalescent ward has been made on
the top floor of Denbigh to take care of
an overflow of patients from the infirmary.
Students whose rootms have been taken are
temporarily living in other halls.
F, Martin, '23, has been unanimously
elected Junior basketball captain.
Glee Club try-outs for members to: re-
place those who had to resign because of
work were held last week. The new mem-
bers are: A, Orbison, '22; E. Boyd, ’25,
N: Henshaw, 7.6. Kitkbride® ‘22: E.
Mallet, °25; K; Raht, ’23; Ke Strauss, -’23;
F. Matteson, ’23; B. Constant,
Elston, ’24; B. Philbrick, ’23; E. Neville,
'24; B. Price, ’24; M. Mutch, ’25, and J. B.
Yeatmdan, ’22.
Junior party to the Freshmen ’ ‘will take
24; K.
place on March 24, A. Howell, M. Holt
and I. Beaudrias are the committee in
charge. *
Junior Play Committee elected by 1924°fs
P. Coyne, chairman; B. Constant, L. Ford,
L. White and -M. Palache.
E. Howe. has been elected Sophomore
basketball captain and M. Buchanan, track
The Christian Association Board-gave a
tea for the:new faculty members®%to meet’
the cabinet in Rockefeller last Tuesday.
Twenty-six members of the faculty have
joined the Christian Association this year.
“aR, Beardsley, ’23; I. Gates, "23; J. Bens-
berg, 24; J.. Wise, '24; Miss Jones, and
Miss Robbins, graduate students, have ap-
plied for the opportunity of a week spent
in a settlement during the spring se
to study social work. Miss Robbins h
applied to go on the observation trip to
study. the educational ‘facilities of. Boston,
conducted by the I. C. S. A. Further ap-
plication for these opportunities may be
made up until 6 P. M. Friday, to E.
Rhodes, Radnor. . ;
What Is Water Japan?
JAPAN—not the country but a metal-coating varish—
and your morning. bottle of milk. ee :
en ;
and a highly inflammable “solvent.”
the base so that the metal may be coated with it easily, The
presence of the solvent involves considerable fire risk, espe-
cially in the baking oven. |
Milk is a watery fluid containing suspended particles of ~ ‘
“ Odiry fapes consists of a tough, rubbery, tar-like “base”
The solvent dilutes ;
butter fat, so small that one needs the ultra-microscope to de-
tect them. An insoluble substance held permanently in sus-
pension in a liquid in this manner is in ‘colloidal suspension.”
The principle of colloidal suspension as demonstrated in
milk was applied by the Research Laboratories of the General
Electric Company: to develop Water Japan.
pound the particles of japan base are. colloidally suspended
in water.
The fire risvanishes.
In this com- *
52 be ara of mk spied he ay 00 mf
Again Nature serves industry.
Connected with die corninns hahaa -wacanl wr ate nee
printiples which may be applied to the uses of industry with
revolutionary results. As Hamlet said, “There are more
: "things in Heaven and earth, Floratio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy.”
General Office
Schenectady, N. Y.
A Horseback and Camping Tip ‘in » ‘the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming and. Yellowstone National
Park. On the go all the time through the most beautiful, interesting and picturesque wild country of
America. Seven weeks of Solid Fun—no irksome duties. The ideal Summer for Girls and Young Women.
‘You see Ranch Life, Horses, Cattle, Cowboys, and Irrigation in the Buffalo Bill Country.
The Canyons, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Waterfalls, Geypars, Botling-Speings, Lava Beds, Petrified :
‘Forests, and Glaciers of Yellowstone Park.
The Big Game of the Rockies—Bear, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Buffaloes, Wolves,
and Big Horn Sheep.
And the Big Wild West Stampede at Cody, Wyoming. me
- Chaperoned by a group.of select women from the faculties of Eastern Colleges and Girls’ Schools.
459 Siwanoy Place, Pelham Manor, New York —
For Booklet Address
Pembroke West, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn ei Pa.
—e women mer make reservations through Miss, Smith pues
Coyees, Monee Pessina
Page 5